
Can someone give me a summary of what's going on with Russia and Georgia?

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I haven't been keeping up - is all really.

Why is this war going on?




  1. Ok as short as possible.  South odessa isa break away city of georgia.  They are more russian then georgian and want to be part of russia.  As they were during the ussr.  Georgia attacked the city and killed over 1000-2000+ people.  They are still counting bodies.  It was ethnic cleansing.  So russia (who kept a peace keeping force there) sent there army in and kicked their *** a little.  Now Georgia claims a cease fire yet kept attacking.   The media in the USA is covering the conflict like georgia good russia bad and leaving the fact that georgia stgarted it and in my opinion are the bad guy here.  Now the usa trained georgian troops, as did the isreal.  What part did they play who knows.  

    Why did georga think they could get away with the attack I have no idea.  What did the hope to accomplis?. To drag the usa into war?  It makes no sense.


    I can understand that russia is pissed about the us setting up western style governments to the south and a missile shield in poland to the north. And attacked in response to russian civilians being murdered.   This makes sense.

    What really concerns me is the level of Media spin and control, we are being sold a position like the lies that lead us into iraq.

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