
Can someone give me advice about Xbox 360 Live?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I just want to see what you guys suggest... Anyways, I want to go on Xbox 360 Live, but my router is in my basement, and my 360 is in the living roo upstairs. If I move my 360 in the basement, then it's still too far away. I don't want to move the router because my computer needs it. What should I do?!




  1. you could buy the official Wireless Adapter for about $80. or try some bootleg adpater that says its from Microsoft for maybe like $30 or 40.

    or if you have a laptop near the living room, then connect the 360 to that with ethernet and use Internet Connection Sharing to use the laptop's internet with your 360.


    you could buy like a 100 ft. ehternet cable to go from your basement to your living room.  kinda messy though.

    you choose. lol

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