
Can someone give me advice about mixing politics and a relationship.?

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My boyfriend is a big Republican and I like Obama. Is this going to be a big problem in our relationship? He is active in political things and I am too, but not as much as he is. We both work but he makes more money than I do. His friends are for Mccain and mine are for Obama. Not sure if any of this info is important but I thought I'd throw it in. How do I handle this??




  1. It shouldnt be. Relationships are about two individuals coming together. It doesnt mean losing ur opinion or beliefs. If that becomes a problem...move on. You need to remain an individual. By the way, love Obama myself !!! Good luck !

  2. Hmm, it's disappointing... But it's not politics that affect relationship, it's about whether you two have the same frequency and channel.  

  3. Um...well my parents are complete opposites, and they get into HUUUUGE arguments ALL the mom calls Bush stupid and my dad gets mad and calls him 'the greatest man on earth'....theyre a little bit extreme but I think you and him might have some problems if you talk about it...but if you avoid the subject it'll work!

  4. I'm in a "mixed" marriage.  We deal with it by not talking politics, but we aren't very "active."  My husband less so.  We had a bad confrontation when I responded to his "Defeat Bush" sticker with a "W" one.  

    Ultimately, politics isn't going to be the problem.  It's the very different world views that ultimately may hasten a demise to the relationship.

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