
Can someone give me an example of a current Sensationalist news story?

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I am writing a paper in my political science class about a sensationalist news story. So i need to find a story and I dont know where and how to search for it.

This is the question:

Find a sensationalist news story and explain the following: What makes it sensationalist? Was the topic itself worth covering at all? Do you think the coverage was informative? Are there any questions/concerns that you have that you feel the story did not cover?

Any help would be appreciated.





  1. The news today about the 42 year old held captive by her father for 24 years!

  2. The polygamists in Texas.  s*x of underage minors is sensational but then add all the other factors.

  3. Everything over the past couple of years about immigration.

  4. Just read a newspaper and take your pick.

    Its an evil world out there.

    Todays newspaper has a girl imprisoned by her father

    for 24 years, a girl killed by her father for dishonoring him

    by liking a British soldier, a train crash, a plane crashing

    into children on a carousel and killing 8 of them  -  just take

    your pick.

  5. The whole China/Tibet thing. Completely fabricated and fueled by the media just in time for the olimpics.

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