
Can someone give me an example of evolution in action besides mircroevolution?

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Can someone give me an example of evolution in action besides mircroevolution?




  1. T-Rex's evolved into chickens. Recently proven fact.

  2. Among other examples that are bigger than microchanges are the color of moths in England changing with the industrial revolutions production of smog and soot, when they changed from white (obvious to preditors) to dark grey.  The latter living to have kids, the former being eaten.

       Recenlty, scientists who had surveyed the Galapagos Islands (where Darwin gathered much of his later data) a few years back returned and found that a new species of finch had resulted from a drought that changed the food supply available in that a plant with tougher fruit had taken over for the easier eating and the new finch had a bigger tougher beak (as I recall details)


  3. I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but giraffes are an example of evolution or natural selection that might fit your question.  Giraffes were originally short necked like zebras.  The long neck was a fluke.  But the short neckers died off during droughts because they couldn't reach the only available food - the leaves on trees.

    The heiki crab is an example of artificial selection (meaning that people influenced their evolution).  Fishermen threw back heiki crabs because their carapace resembled the face of a Samurai warrior.  They ate crabs who weren't lucky enough to resemble the ferocious faces.  The plain crabs lived shorter lives and so had less time to reproduce children who resembled them.  

    Carl Sagan gives a great demonstration of this in his Cosmos television series.

  4. How about the Tasmanian Devils, since 1996 they have been suffering from facial tumors, scientists have just discovered that they are breeding earlier to combat the fact they are dying earlier.

  5. There's no such thing as macro evolution.

  6. Well, seeing that evolution occurs over millions of years, you would have to have lived for millions of years to have seen it "in action".

    The next best thing is to study up on geology and palaeontology and then go out and find some fossils in rocks. You may learn something.

    Have you seen the separation of South America and Africa "in action " and if not, why not ?  It is happening right now.  Why can't you see it ? Because it is happening slowly just like evolution. .

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