
Can someone give me cleaning tips on a fast way to clean my room?

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I have a really messy room. I don't know how it got so out of control. I have loads of laundry to do.

Can someone tell me some quick tips on getting it clean??? I need inspiration, I am procrastinating. Help me puhlease!




  1. Put on some really upbeat music, something that makes you feel good and makes you want to move. Start at the door and go through your room and pick up just the clothes. Put the dirty clothes in one pile and hang up or put away any clean one. When that's done, sort your laundry real quick. Challenge yourself. Find a way to make a game out of it. Put one load to wash. While it's washing, get a trash bag and go through the room and just pick up trash. Throw away old papers and things you really don't need any more or things that are broken. Challenge yourself again to see how much you can throw away.

    Check your laundry, see if it's time to start a new load. Drink some water and do some stretches. Now, get a box and see if there's anything you want to save that you could put somewhere else to store. Things you don't use very often but you want to keep, souvenirs, mementos, pictures, etc. Put all these in a box. The less stuff you have in your room, the easier it is to keep clean. Now start at the door, work to the right. Work in a little area at a time, putting things away. If you pick something up, make a  decision about it. Don't put it down somewhere thinking you'll decide later. Work your way all around the room. During all this, you're also keeping the laundry going. When a load of laundry is dry, put it away right away. You might have to force yourself (I always do) but it's so worth it to do it immediately!

    Once you get back to the door, your room should be basically done. Give it a good vacuum and pat yourself on the back.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!

  2. Get all the laundry out of the room

    Put away clean clothes

    Make your bed

    Get the dishes and trash out (if any)

    Put away anything else



    You are done

    making lists helps me a lot

    Start with the largest things then work you way down

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