
Can someone give me different homeschool cirriculums that they use?

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Can someone give me different homeschool cirriculums that they use?




  1. We use Apologia science, Saxon math, Horizon math, Math-u-see, Mars Hill Latin.  We have also used and highly recommend Easy Grammar, Easy Writing, and the Natural Speller.  We did not like ACE or Alpha Omega.  We have Streams of Civilization and the Susan Wise Bauer History.

  2. We loosely follow some guidelines (state, researchers etc.) and create our own curriculum as we go.  You don't have to use expensive school in a box curriculum to have a great education.  For math curriculum I've heard great things about Singapore math and we might try it this year.

  3. I began homeschooling a first grader in November 2006 and have used/am using  the following:

    Old Fashioned Education (free internet curriculum based on free old texts) -- this did not work well for my family

    Christian Liberty Press books (using Adventures in Phonics workbooks; phonetically controlled readers (set of 4); Nature Reader, Book 1; Building Spelling Skills, Book 1; Lessons from the Farmyard; and Noah Webster's Reading Handbook)-- great curriculum at a great price --WORKING WELL FOR MY CHILD

    Time4Learning (online home education program) -- WORKED WELL FOR MY CHILD (free learn to read online program) -- WORKING WELL FOR MY CHILD

    What Your First Grader Needs to Know (these books are available for grades K through 6) --


    Miscellaneous used books and library books

    I hope the above information is helpful.

    Math for Your 1st and 2nd Grader (By Steve Slavin) -- WORKING WELL FOR MY CHILD

  4. We make up our own curriculum, using used books, library and online.

  5. Homeschooling and Curriculum Resources Pg1

    Homeschool & Education Resources

    Teachers use these resources; see if they are useful to you.

  6. Well if you don't mind faith based curriculms you can try Bob Jones university or Switched on Schoolhouse. I would also like you to consider perhaps internet school with k12. It is in multiple states and some states even go into high school. I found that it was better than homeschooling because you can actually go to the class online once a week and listen to the teacher lecture adn answer questions. You also have a qualified teacher for each class to help you or your child through the curriculum which helps with parts of school that can be tricky like sciences.

  7. We use K12 as our spine.  We're independent purchasers of the curriculum (Consumer Direct).  We've started our fifth year with K12 and love it.

    We do Teaching Textbooks for Algebra.

    For Handwriting, we (K12) uses Handwriting Without Tears:

    For Math and Bible drills, we use Calculadder:

  8. We use a secular curriculum which is put out by Calvert School.

    This curriculum goes from PreK through 8th grade. It comes with everything that you need to get started. They also offer online classes for older students.

  9. I use the curriculum through our state's virtual academy, but what some people don't realize is that you *CAN* use the curriculum independently like you would any other curriculum. With the independent option (K12 calls "Consumer Direct") you do not have the aid of a certificated teacher for grades K-8 like with the virtual school. K12's high school courses are different though, some are actually Apex high school courses since K12 has contracted out for those classes they haven't written yet.

    For us, it is a great fit, but it really comes down to what works for you. I have also used Oak Meadow, but I didn't like it (I know others who swear by it).

  10. Last year we used sonlight  Thiis year we are using ACE

  11. We use Landmark's Freedom Baptist Curriculum

  12. There are a ton of different curriculum with different goals and learning styles, packaged or boxed curriculum, secular and faith based, free to very expensive.. the choices go on and on...  If you rephrase your question with specifics, we might be able to direct you a little closer to what would suit your family.

    One of my favorites is Learning Adventures. It is a unit study approach gear toward 4th-8th grade. It can be adapted for various age groups.

    For high school, we like Notgrass American History ( that includes Bible, American History and writing.

  13. My daughter is being classically educated. We use Memoria Press and The Well Trained Mind. We also use books from the library and our private collection.

  14. We use several, but Christian Liberty Press is our foundation.

    They got our vote for both solid academics, and price.

    We use Sonlight, and Bethlehem readers, Saxon math, Key books for additional math practice in concepts that need it, Write Shop for writing, Wordly Wise 3000 for vocabulary/reading comprehension/spelling, Memoria Press for Latin, Apologia, and CLP for science, and Bible, later for Bible we also include some books from Positive Action for Christ; as you see over the years you will pick what works best for the children; it is on hand when they want it, and when they are ready for it.

    For the ones that prefer to do the piano on their own, although they do enjoy their lessons, I have Piano for Life on the book shelf; this is a self taught video/DVD series that is really good.

  15. Math:  Horizons for K-6, Teaching Textbooks or Saxon thereafter. (I prefer teaching textbooks, but have used Saxon in the past).

    Language Arts:  Hmmm. I've used a lot of different things and liked a lot of them.  Five in a Row, Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Writing Strands, First Language Lessons for the Well Trained Mind,  Hewitt's Lightning Literature, Skills for Rhetoric, and Literary Analysis, Vocabulary from Classical Roots, Wordly Wise, Apples Spelling Drills, A Beka's Grammar and Composition, Simply Grammar, plus lots and lots and lots and lots of library books, Horizons Phonics and Reading, Horizons Penmanship, Horizons Spelling and Vocabulary.

    Science:  1-2-3 Science, The Christian Kid's Explore series, Janice Van Cleave books, Apologia, plus lots and lots and lots and lots of library books.  :-)

    History:  History for Little Pilgrims, The Story of the World,      A Beka, Mystery of history, plus lots and lots of-you know.

  16. We get the free catalog from Rainbow Resource (the thing is the size of a phonebook for a large city). We order what we can afford and use the rest of it as a reference book for what to get from the library and ebay. My RR catalog is coded with different colored highlighters and post-it flags.

    I also recommend books by John Holt and Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore, plus the Homeschooling Book of Answers by Linda Dobson and the Homeschooling Handbook by Mary Griffith, just to name a few favorites.

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