
Can someone give me dirt on Puerto Rico?

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I dont have anything against it but I have to do a debate and in om the con side.





    puerto rico's newspapers

  2. Nearly 20 billion dollars per year in US taxpayer funded welfare, to go along with island residents being exempted from paying federal income tax.  It's a money pit.

    Has the highest murder rate, when included with US national statistics.  Lots of pollution and the infrastucture is a complete joke.  Not a day goes by where the electricity, phones, and water stay running.  Also unemployment is higher there than anywhere else in the US.

  3. top ten places full of crime

  4. Like many places around the world Puerto Rico has crimes, bad use of Federal Funds, high prices that don't make sence, and the list goes on. When you hear the name of some areas or communities, the first things that will come to your mind is crime, drugs, and poor living conditions.  I live here and am telling you this first hand.  There are place called Caserios which are now called Public Housing. Caserio is the first name given to these public housing proyects where low income families live.  But, along with the low income, the crime rate is high, and many in these public housing proyects live in fear for their lives due to gangs or dominant persons in a specific area.

    Now, this does not exclude the high class areas. They too have "bad hair" times that have hit the news.  The factors that in volve crime, drugs, and drop outs of schools are: negative influences from friends, job loss, no family interests or lack of family unity, educational personal lagging behind in interest in the students academic and personal up bringing, lack of governemt taking interest in solving educational, job and housing problems, and the list goes on.  

    A big factor is RAP or here they sing REGAETON. Which is the same as rap.  The lyrics are vile and abusive.  Even children know more about the lyrics than they do in math or history.  It is called "letting go". Instead of teaching the children to behave, respect and be truthful; many parents let their kids do as they please.  I would smack my kids for disrespecting me and now they are adults whom have good jobs, wonderful children and wonderful spouces.  All depends on the parents, government and educators to work together to improve the  conflicting issues in society.

    Sincerely Puerto Rico can do better.

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