
Can someone give me msn short forms ?

by  |  earlier

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i really get confused when people on msn talks to me in short forms......please if you are good at it, then tell me some short forms

like the following right back

g2g...gotta go

i d k....i don't know

i know about 5-7 short forms, and i want to learn more..please help me




  1. lol laugh out loud

    rofl rolling on floor laughing

    lmao laugh my *** off

    stfu shut the f up

  2. NM never mind

    thx thanks

    cuz because

    b/c because

    SH same here

    ttyl talk to you later

    wanna want to

  3. lol= laugh out loud

    lmao= laugh my a** off

    rofl= rolling on the floor laughing

    wtf= what the f***

    wth= what the h*ll

    nvm= nevermind

    thx= thanks

    np= no problem

    cya= see ya

    kwl= cool

    b/c= because

    cuz= because

    stfu= shut the F*** up

    ily= i love you

  4. wtf=wat the f***

    wth=wat the h**l

    ily=i love u

    XD=happy(if u rotate it to the left one time, u'll see it)

    ihy=i hate u

    cya= c u


    doin=doing, goin=going (so u don't really need 2 put the "g")

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