
Can someone give me proof (from nature) of global warming occuring?....give me examples?

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Dont just say there are many some! - No melting ice caps please! Other instances are helpful.




  1. I think the most convincing example for me was to look at the climates of other planets near us, particularly Mecury and Venus.  You would think that Mecury would have the hotter temp., being closer to the sun than Venus, but it's not.  The reason is because Mecury has no atmosphere to keep heat in, so while the side of the planet facing the sun is around 800 degrees F, the dark side plummets to -200 F!  Venus, on the other hand, has an extremely active volcanic system where there's pretty much an eruption occuring somewhere on the planet all the time, spewing CO2 into the atmosphere constantly.  This traps the heat in, making it around 900 F, hotter than Mecury.  

    Obviously on Earth we don't have that much CO2 being emitted, but since mankind started burning fossil fuels, we have been upsetting the thin balance between the perfect amount of CO2 and a potentially dangerous, climate changing amount.

  2. watch the documental "Artic Tale"

  3. FINGERPRINTS: Direct manifestations of a widespread and long-term trend toward warmer global temperatures

        Heat waves and periods of unusually warm weather

        Ocean warming, sea-level rise and coastal flooding

        Glaciers melting

        Arctic and Antarctic warming

    HARBINGERS: Events that foreshadow the types of impacts likely to become more frequent and widespread with continued warming.

        Spreading disease

        Earlier spring arrival

        Plant and animal range shifts and population changes

        Coral reef bleaching

        Downpours, heavy snowfalls, and flooding

        Droughts and fires

  4. sea level rise over the last century of ~3in

  5. one example of global warning, is the changing of the pattern (climate changes)

  6. Well, let's see. Here's a quick list of things that are noticeable:

    1. All 15 of the hottest years on record have occurred in the last 20 years.

    2. You simply cannot ignore the ice caps, despite what you say. When the northwest passage is open for the first time in recorded history, that's not something that you can shrug at.

    3. There have been EIGHT category 5 hurricanes over the last 5 years, the most in recorded history. Not to mention that on a list of the 10 strongest hurricanes on record, five of them were from the past 4 years. (Wilma, Rita, Katrina, Dean, Ivan.) Warmer oceans mean more fuel for storms. And 2006's down-season is no excuse, because it was an El Nino year.

    4. The ice road in Alaska, which used to be frozen enough to drive on almost 250 days a year, has dropped off steadily to the point where now it is only frozen enough about 70 days out of the year.

    5. Take a look at the "drunken trees" in northern Canada. They put down their roots in the permafrost, but now the permafrost is melting, and they are losing their roots and tipping over.

    6. It has been revealed that numerous scientists were paid off by lobbyists to raise doubts about global warming. The culprit? Exxon Mobil. Hmm, conflict of interest maybe? Sounds right to me... an oil company obviously doesn't want people to be afraid of global warming, because then people would start investing in alternative energy, and they would lose oil business. Read this:

    I think I've said enough.

  7. Top 11 Warmest Years On Record Have All Been In Last 13 Years

    ScienceDaily (Dec. 13, 2007) — The decade of 1998-2007 is the warmest on record, according to data sources obtained by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The global mean surface temperature for 2007 is currently estimated at 0.41°C/0.74°F above the 1961-1990 annual average of 14.00°C/57.20°F...

    ...Since the start of the 20th century, the global average surface temperature has risen by 0.74°C. But this rise has not been continuous. The linear warming trend over the last 50 years (0.13°C per decade) is nearly twice that for the last 100 years...

    ...2007 global temperatures have been averaged separately for both hemispheres. Surface temperatures for the northern hemisphere are likely to be the second warmest on record, at 0.63°C above the 30-year mean (1961-90) of 14.6°C/58.3°F. The southern hemisphere temperature is 0.20°C higher than the 30-year average of 13.4°C/56.1°F, making it the ninth warmest in the instrumental record since 1850.

    January 2007 was the warmest January in the global average temperature record at 12.7°C/54.9°F, compared to the 1961-1990 January long-term average of 12.1°C/53.8°F...

    Global 10 Warmest Years Mean Global temperature (°C) (anomaly with respect to 1961-1990)

       1. 1998 0.52

       2. 2005 0.48

       3. 2003 0.46

       4. 2002 0.46

       5. 2004 0.43

       6. 2006 0.42

       7. 2007(Jan-Nov) 0.41

       8. 2001 0.40

       9. 1997 0.36

      10. 1995 0.28

  8. the nortyh and south pole an example. or look the weather you will see a pattern of global warming or go to examine a animal

  9. this is silly.  "no melting ice caps please".  are you just compiling a list of evidence that you want to ignore?  however, here are a couple to add to your list:

    "Melting permafrost has already forced the government of Alaska to cut from 200 to 100 days the annual period during which oil and gas equipment is permitted to travel on the tundra."

    "U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon blames the ethnic and religious violence in Darfur on global warming and insists more conflicts of this kind are coming because of climate change."

    "Birds called great **** are adapting to global warming by altering their behavior in England, a decades-long study has found."

    3 very different examples.  i just can't wait for you to pick some answer that says we're in a cooling cycle, because it's so cold today, or this week, or this winter.

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