
Can someone give me recipes for cooking vegan food like vegetarian Chinese?

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Can someone give me recipes for cooking vegan food like vegetarian Chinese?




  1. has lots of stuff but don't bother to go to the people networking area, it's full of those garbage "cybercops" every other part of the internet I guess.

  2. Stir fly (fry)! You should own a nice hammered steel wok and you need to get a steamer, double boiler like. Get some nice quality rices that are sold in bulk bins at health food markets, not buying those packages at grocery stores. Rice should be started dry in the pan with oil to coat them, heated till it sounds like it is starting to pop like corn. Then add the water, 2 cups of water per cup of rice dry, and cover when cooking. Be careful as the water needs to be added slowly/ carefully or you will get burned. Cover and cook for 45 minutes at the lowest heat you can manage, never open the cover or the rice may get sticky. This works great. try the rounder grain upland rice varieties. Stay away from white rice as the brown is much healthier. All veggies are great in stir fries and steaming. Also consider some fruits to add late in the cook cycle, or fresh uncooked on the side. Also, look at sprouts and nuts to add. Little nuts and seeds are great in recipes. For those that like fish, this works too. Corn starch is a great way to thicken sauces especially when you want the flavor and liquid maintained from added fruits. Flour can be used instead of corn starch for the purests. With either of them, mix the powdered starch or flour with a cold liquid like natural juices or water before you add them to the recipe, flour needing more to thicken than starch, obviously, with whole grain flour needing more than white. Trial and error will show you quickly but enough water/ juice to liquify well makes a nice thick sauce. Too little of the liquids makes it lumpy and ugly.

  3. Definitely check out your local natural foods market. I'm sure that will show the many vegan foods that are available.

    Walmart even has a section of vegan food located in the produce section to choose from.

    [Always be sure to check your ingredients!!]

    That should give you some ideas.

    Here are some vegan and vegetarian chinese recipes for you to choose from:

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