
Can someone give me some babysittting tips please?

by  |  earlier

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I babysit a 3 year old and he is a nightmare sometimes. He throws tantrums,kicks,hits,and pinches...but not all the time.what should i do in these siuations?




  1. That's tough! I babysit a five year old that acts really bad too! He throws his action figures around, gets naked and won't dress, refuses to go to bed, and one time he tried to flood the house by pressing the water lever on the fridge!!!!!!!! Sometimes I try to distract him and start playing something else or take him outside where he can destroy things, but if he is trying to act obnoxious and get on you nerves it works to just watch T.V and pretend you don't notice until he gets bored and stops (then you can go back to playing with him). Try being firm and telling him to stop and if all else fails call his mom and put him on the phone with her. You could also tempt him with food.  You could ask the parents what they do and what you should do when he pinches.

  2. beat his ***!!!! i wont baby sit kids if i cant discipline them. umm i maybe some time outs. idk how u do it!! i couldnt!! i'd quit!!

  3. First off, ask the parents how they handle that situation.  I'm guessing they don't do anything because if they did, you wouldn't be getting that behavior.  But if they do have a way of dealing with it, like time out, then follow through with that.  If they don't have anything specific, you just need to take him into his room and tell him he needs to sit on his bed and calm down before you guys can play again.  It's hard if you're just an occasional babysitter and his parents aren't consistent in dealing with his behavior.

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