
Can someone give me some clever things to say to my annoying cousin who keeps teasing me and insulting me?

by  |  earlier

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he keeps hanging on to me and hitting me with every possible thing he sees. And no mean jokes cuz my parents are around.

he is really bad at english (foreign exchange student)




  1. well idk about clever things. but completely ignoring ppl usually works for me.

  2. I usually say "thank you" with a big smile(as if it was nothing to me)... whenever someone is teasing or insulting me.  

    Note:  They usually tease and insult us because they are happy when they see us being annoyed or insulted. DON'T GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT! & YOU WIN!

    Hope this helps! Smilesss... :)

  3. Just ignore him that way he'll see you don't care and don't give in to his immaturity

  4. Tell him "SAME TO YOU" every time he says something insulting or say "THANK YOU" for such a CLEVER remark.

  5. I would ignore him because that would be the most clever thing you could do ! He's showing his ignorance for sure so how much more clever do you need to be? To tease someone and say annoying things to them isn't insulting to you like you's really an insult to himself. Don't waste your time and mentality on this stupidity. Good luck, and good riddens(of your cousin,that is).

  6. Yeah, such people can be such a nuisance. They get their joy out of criticising other people. I had one childhood cousin who kept insulting me last time. Thank goodness we lost contact long ago. Me and my family don't even care if his whole family disappears from the surface of the earth. They are jealous of my family. Good riddance.

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