
Can someone give me some helpful advice on how to litter train a baby ferret please?

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Can someone give me some helpful advice on how to litter train a baby ferret please?




  1. Litter training a ferret isn't always easy. It helps if they used a litter box before coming to you, that way it's just a matter of them getting used to the location and the litter you're using (if different from the place of purchase).

    Anyway, if your ferret seems to have a particular spot that they like to go, then move the box there, put in a pile of their p**p, and show them the box. Also, watch your ferret. They're known for backing up when they gotta go, so it's usually pretty easy to tell when they're getting ready to go. As soon as you see him doing the infamous back-up, grab him and place him in the litter box. Watch him though, some ferrets will actually pretend to go and then jump out of the litter box. Keep putting him in the box until he finally goes. When he does go, make sure to reward him with your words and/or his favorite treat. He should eventually catch on.

    If this is in a cage, then it also helps to keep other areas of the cage covered with bedding (and by bedding I mean blankets, little beds, that sort of stuff, not the wood shavings kind of bedding). It's also a good idea to make sure the food and water is far away enough from the litter box, they usually don't like to go around their eating area. My cage (the Ferret Nation 2-story unit) is set up like this: food and water dishes are on the top platform; the top, full level is all blankets (it can be a spot for them to play with each other or to curl up and sleep); there's nothing on the second platform, but I did have a problem with one pooping up there before, so in the past I've used those round beds on that platform (I put it behind the ladder); the bottom, full level has two 28 quart size Sterilite storage tubs side by side - one is filled with blankets, the other is filled with litter (I also have a hammock hanging on each level). So you can see, with the way I have the cage set up there's only one place for them to go - in their litter box. Try to do the same, set up the cage so the only place he can go is in the litter box.

    For litter training outside the cage, keep in mind, the more room they have to run, the more litter boxes you will need. Usually, when they gotta go, they gotta go now! If they're in the kitchen and the litter box is in the living room, chances are, they aren't going to make it to the box. There should be at least one box per room that they have access to. And remember, most ferrets are not 100% accurate when it comes to using the box. Sometimes they just can't make it or, for whatever reason, they just don't feel like using it. Mine use their box 100% of the time when in their cage, but there's two that aren't so good about using it all the time when out of the cage. Also, some ferrets are very picky about the cleanliness of their box - if it's not clean enough to their liking, then they won't use it, so make sure you scoop it often (at least twice a day).

    Good luck!

  2. The best time to start training them is when they first wake up, because 9 times out of 10 they go to the bathroom first thing upon waking.....If you have a two story or more cage i suggest on the bottom level putting litter boxes in every corner, if you have a single story cage make sure every corner that doesn't have a litter box either has food/water or bedding. Ferrets are less likely to go on there bedding or near their food. .....So when your ferret first wakes up, he's probably going to yawn and stretch a little. After that immediately put him in his litter box. You ferret is probably going to try and walk some where else to go to the bathroom, so if he does this pick him back up and place him in his litter box. Repeat this step until he goes to the bathroom in the litter box. Them immediately give him a treat he likes and show him some affection so he associates this with a good thing. Keep doing this everyday when your ferret wakes up. If you catch him while he is out playing trying to go somewhere else if you can catch him in time pick him up and put him in his litter box. It will take a little bit of time and consistency, but you ferret will learn. and just make sure when you do clean the litter box everyday that you leave a little bit of old litter behind so your ferret can still smell his scent.  

  3. if it has already done its buisness somewhere you dont want it to, try putting the litter tray there.

    If that doesnt work then use something like kitchen towel to get the smell and put it in the litter box.

    This worked for a rabbit so I dont know if it will help for a ferret

  4. Get a litter box and put it in any corner of the cage, or small room. Than fill every other corner of the cage with food bowls, toys, hammocks anything. And when you see the ferret about to do it's "business", (back up in a corner, lift tail) than quickly put him/her in the litter box. If you see her/him using the litter box, praise her/him. When you see p**p or pee somewhere in the cage that's not in the litter box, clean it up, and put a tiny bit of her/his p**p in the litter box. The ferret will eventually get the picture that that is where she is suppose to go.

    Also, make sure you line the bottom of the cage and litter box with 2 different things. You could line the cage with newspaper, or an old towel, and use shredded egg carton as the litter (this works as it is easy to clean and absorbent). Or you could get litter specifically for ferrets, or yesterday's news recycled litter would work as well.

    Make sure you clean the litter box at least everyday.

    Good luck!

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