
Can someone give me some ideas?

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I'm doing an essay on the power of music. Can someone give me some sentences or ideas?




  1. I have recently been studying the healing power of music and apparently Alzheimers patients have significant reactions to music. If exposed to music that is both soothing and familiar ( such as music they listened to when they were young) their symptoms were lessened. It is not a cure but it does theoretically slow down the process of the disease. Also in a test on plants in greenhouses, plants with prolonged exposure to rock withered and plants exposed to soft classical flourished and country music they stayed the same. However, I would research these two subjects to credit them if you want them in your essay as they are very controversal.

  2. Think of songs that have inspired your generation or songs that are iconic to your generation, friends, or country or songs that are just meaningful to you and start from there.

    For example: As child my favourite musician was..... as I have gotten older my taste in music has changed and this has influenced the way I think about the world around me because it has made me think about...(topic) differently or has impacted on my generation because it talks about...(topic).

    If this was me writing it the paragraph would something like this.  As a child my favourite musician was Rolf Harris.  It was the 1980s and the hit song on the Australian radio was Tie me kangaroo down sport, and this particular song has become associated with the winning of the Americas cup here in Australia.  One of the latest bands that has been influential in my generation is the song I kissed a girl by the Veronica's this has changed they way I think about g*y relationship in particular L*****n relationships and should they be accepted or not and how right is it that this song should be played on the radio... and then debate could be continued from there.

    hope this helps.

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