
Can someone give me some information on how to become a pharmacist? Also, what it is like?

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I can't decide what I want to do! I have been tossing around the idea of dental hygiene, as well as a pharmacist. I was wondering if anyone had any information about becoming a pharmacist? Such as how hard schooling is, how long the schooling is, the nature of the work, etc? Thanks




  1. well pharmacy school is much longer than hygiene pretty sure its 4 years of college then 2 or 3 years of pharmacy school full time..pharmacist  make more money than hygienest where i live anyway...i was a pharmacy tech at a compunding pharmacy and the pharmacist did alot...he came up with formulas for making hormone creams and other medicines...he did alot more than count pills and deal with insurance companies and council patients....i know pharmacy school is hard and you have to memorize ALOT!!! you pretty much have to know everything a doctor does and more....there is also alot of interning with hospitals and pharmacies.....i think dental hygiene would be less repetative than pharmacy and if i could choose i would do hygiene just bc i think being a pharmacist would be more boring for the effort it iakes to become might as well be a doctor...i also dont really think you get the opportunity to truly help people.(not that we dont need pharmacists) just do what the doctor tells you..sometimes that even means giving med to people who you may not agree needs are pretty much bound my doctors orders i think...

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