
Can someone give me some language samples that young children would use for example when they say "I goed away

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Can someone give me some language samples that young children would use for example when they say "I goed away




  1. ~that be sound good? (instead of how does that sound?)

    ~guest-ez go first (instead of guests go first)

    ~daddy higher than mommy (instead of taller)

    ~using bigger to mean older

  2. The other day my daughter said "my daddy airplane flied"

    We also get a lot of "My do it!"

    Also the word "it" appears suddenly, as in "I read it book!" or "I want it mana" (banana).

    She's just barely two, though, not quite preschooler, if that makes a difference to you.

  3. when u ask how old they a tree instead of 3 or they say theses many

  4. "I throwed the ball"

    "I cutted the bread"

    "I singged the song"

    "I hitteded Tommy"

    "she hit me" when talking about a boy

    "He hit me" when talking about a girl

    "I got no nothing for my birthday"

  5. I faw down go boom.

  6. i gotta go potty  =)

  7. if you mean a reason why they would say that maybe they are watching a car race. and if you just mean a random thing little kids say, when I was little I used to call M&Ms "bodas" and my name is emma and my friend called me "omee"

  8. My grandson says, "Me yite tandy!"  (I like candy).  When my oldest son was just learning to talk, he asked for "Yucky Chawms" or "Woop Woops" for breakfast.

  9. "Hold You"  ~ when they want you to pick them up.

    "My wants it" ~ they refer to themselves as my instead of I or me

    "Me sleepy" ~ they refer to themselves as me instead of I

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