
Can someone give me some original ideas of stuff to send my soldier in Iraq?

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I am tired of sending him the same stuff all the time, I wana throw a couple new things into the mix




  1. When I was in Kuwiat, all our FRG (Family Support Group) sent us were books, DAH! thats what the chaplins had for us there in Kuwait, so when I got back to my unit and our other PLT was in Kuwait, I went to the dollar store and just bought a bunch of stuff, granted there was boxes from other people who sent the same stuff, but something from someone back hoem they knew actually made them happy, I was really surprised. When my husband was deployed I alwasy sent his cookies and cake that I cooked up in dollar store tins, if he was watching his weight, he could alwasy share the homemade goods with his troops. I mean I liked my PLT SGT's wife home made cookies she sent us.  

  2. I have sent pillowcases that I slept on for a while so they smelled like me. A tshirt that I also slept in and sprayed with my perfume. I have sent a hankerchief for him to carry in his pocket to remember me by, also with my perfume. Dried fruit, cookies from a local Italian bakery, jerky, knex toys, water guns, water balloons, a s**y picture cut into puzzle pieces so he had to put it together to get to the good stuff, baby wipes - they can't ever have enough of these - vacuum sealed cheese slices with crackers and slices of salami - also vacuumn sealed, dvd's, picture cd's, musical cards, crossword puzzles, word searches, batteries, books.  Hope that helps, they love letters the most though of anything you could send that is what I would reccomend.

  3. what about pics-things to do while hes bored-new underwear-ipods or something-

  4. send him some baby wipes, socks, and some peanut mm..they dont seem to melt..and my husband always needs new socks and underwear..

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