
Can someone give me some tips on how to guess someone's zodiac sign?

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Like by the way they act. Like how do certain signs act, present themselves, etc.

Also if you just told me yours and put if your nice, sensitive, etc. That'd help too.

Thanks a BUNCH! =]




  1. Okay, for a Pisces:

    We are very sensitive. VERY. Our emotions can get hurt easily. We are often quiet, but there can be some spunky ones too. We are nice, even though we act ruid whenever we want to. We are a dreamer, trust me, put us in a baseball stadium or in school, we are always dreaming about something. Uhmm, we are very caring.Very pyschic. I don't know what else to say.

  2. Aries - Loud, likes conflict, makes lots of noise, or likes to sing, very forceful undertones to their voice(Mostly males)

    Taurus - Self-indulgent, likes nice things, food or power

    Gemini - A good arguer, witty, flirtatious, playful

    Cancer - Very emotional, loves to be with close others, loving

    Leo - Proud, looks confident, likes attention, bold/dramatic attitude

    Virgo - Perfectionist, performs tasks methodically, excellent hygiene, can be very feminine, enjoys drama, melancholy to introvert sense of personality

    Libra - Indecisive, flirtatious, magnetic/attractive, very good sentence structures

    Scorpio - Possessive, secretive, stubborn/selfish, imaginative, determined, self-confident

    Sagittarius - Adventurous, independent, brave, intelligent

    Capricorn - Stubborn, argumentative, strong willed, mature/reserved character

    Aquarius - Loves to help others, optimistic, enthusiastic, charismatic

    Pisces - Sensitive, friendly, compatible

  3. the best tip no guessing  just ask the concerned.

  4. scorpio

    quite and intense

    we are not as scary as we seem

    just deep and thoughtful, and aloof.

  5. Well alot times Cancers are kind of sensitive. They get their feelings hurt VERY easily. They are also self conscious alot. (Learned this from experience.)

    Gemini's I have always found fun people to be around. They seem to have a good sense of humor.

    Hope this helps.

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