
Can someone give me strong reasons why water conservation?

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They are saying provision of fresh water is decreasing, human population is increasing. Now we got good water treatment, why should we keep on conserving water?




  1. It will be very too late to start conserving when there's no more water to conserve. Sources are getting low while consumers are just jolting up every day.

  2. A human body cannot do without water for three days.

  3. I think you're hung up on terminology.  

    When you conserve a resource, you don't waste it.  You should never waste water, or gas, or electricity.  If people establish good practices in their daily lives we may not need to implement emergency measures when droughts occur. But that said, business and government needs to do a better job of planning to address population growth, especially in the arid southwest.  That's because the infrastructure was often put into place decades ago, and systems need to be modified or new sources delineated to ensure that a reliable water supply is available for any given population in any given area.

  4. You've answered your own question dude

  5. because there is so little that we can use


    25% of the planets surface is land

    75%of the surface is water and it is rising


    97%of the Earths water is salt

    fresh water is only 3% of all the Earths water

    most of it is beyond out reach

    now much ice is melting and running into the seas fresh water lost for ever.

    STORAGE or Location of % of the fresh water

    ice and glaziers 74%

    groundwater 800 meters + 13.5 %

    groundwater less than 800meters 11.o%

    Lakes 0.3%

    soils 0.006%

    Atmospheric in circulation 0.0035%

    rivers 0.03%

    frozen land or permafrost is not included and represent an unavailable storage of 40%

    so of the 3% about 11.6 ,is easily available to us ,in rivers, lakes and ground water surface aquifers,more and more of this is becoming contaminated

    overpopulation of an extra 70 million people a year (increasing all the time )and expanding agriculture ,which uses 70% of available potable water supplies ,has brought the good(sweet) water suplies to critical levels ,some countries have been in trouble already quite a while .

    now climate change and desertification because of irresponsible agriculture ,overgrazing and deforrestation is damaging world fresh water production .

    it is a good reason for concern and if we do not rectify matters by changing agricultural methods ,reforrest ,stop deforrestation,become more economic with water use ,stop producing more people ,stop wasting and contaminating water, we will be in serious trouble all round

    and could end up looking like Mars

    and these are some of the things we can do



    one can connect the sink straight to the toilet sistern and so use the water twice ,first to have a shave and then to flush the toilet

    also if you bend the ball valve you can regulate the level of the sistern

    and always have your grey water and black water seperate

    so that the sink and shower water goes directly into the garden saving on irregation and at the same time ,making the sewage smaller and easier to deal with ,this also goes and iregates the garden but via a sitern of two compartments and a french drain ,on which you plant trees,


    economic systems of irregation like drip irregation

    and design using a lot of stone walls ,that condense water in the night

    and planting leafy plants for the same purpose

    building wind breaks ,to counter act the drying effects of the wind and farm towards agro forestal ,using as many trees as posible to limit evaporation .using shade nets before we have tree cover

    and use MULCH

    by cutting down the weeds before they produce seeds and leave them where they fall,they will cover the ground and put even more organic matter on top,you can use saw dust,leaves green or dry,and when you plant make a little space and plant in the mulch.this is the easiest quickest and by far most benificial way(for the quality of you soil)to prepare the land for planting

    to prevent weeds from coming all you have to do it turn out the lights,you can even use cardboard or black plastic(this is good for strawberries because they will rot if they touch humid ground,and the bugs can get to them).

    mulch is the same principal as compost but it includes the whole garden surface

    the top part of the soil where the topsoil is being produced houses a world or microbiotic life.

    Mulch is organic material green or dry that covers the ground,the thicker the better the composting process will turn it in to black topsoil

    the humidity is preserved underneath and promotes the devellopment of worms(their exists no better compost than their excrements)and a variety of micro biotic life which together with the mulch produce more topsoil.

    the mulch also keeps the ground temperature even and guards against the impact of the rain ,which would other wise brings salt to the surfave if on unprotected land

    Mulch also prevents the soil from drying out because of the sun and,


    the natural way of nature is to evaporate moisture for clouds and this gets blown to places with less water any way ,what obstruct the clouds from getting to deserts ,tend to be mountains that are in the way,

    but generally speaking ,the normal weather patterns spread rain evenly over the planet to balance out the temperatures and humidity.

    As far as catching rain is concerned ,we do this all the time ,and have done so already since Babylonian times,and is a part of the more advanced Agriculture,that existed with the Egyptians,Central ,and south American indigenous peoples,and many others ,today we call this water harvesting.

    In Permaculture the rule is to harvest water to the point of Zero runoff.

    this means that all of the rain that falls on an area is absorbed by the terrain and not a drop leaves it.

    by building dams,ponds or swales, with interconecting ditches,

    if there are enough of these ;the places ,where before the rain water ran over the ground into the rivers and on to the sea ,(in a matter of hours or days),It now runs into absorbant dams or swales and saturates the ground and eventually reaches subteranean water deposits ,taking many months to do so.

    Or it fills up ponds that can be used for Aquaculture.

    And so a convex situation that repels water is transformed in a concave ,absorbant one and turning the area in to a sponge.

    in Spain and Portugal ,which still display many examples of the conquering Moorish influence,One can find many remnants of Waterharvesting,such as aquaducts and tanks underneath the patios ,which collect the rain water from the roofs ,to be used in dryer times.

    in Arabia ,on a large scale ,land has been shaped to catch and lead,rain water into sandy areas or to agricultural lands.sand is almost as good as dams because it absorbs water and holds it.

    to find out more about Water harvesting I recomend:

    the designers manual by Bil Mollison,which cost about 40 dollars.

    and is the best all round book you can get.(tagiari publishing,

    some other writers that are on the internet are

    david Holmgren

    Larry Santoyo

    Kirk Hanson

    Masanobu Fukuaka has written ,

    One-Straw Revolution

    The Road Back to Nature

    The Natural Way of Farming

    Simon Henderson

    and Bill Molisson.

    a representitive of the concept in USA is

    Dan Hemenway at

  6. water treatment facilities and pumping stations use lots of electricity and oil derivatives to deliver  to its destinations, so more carbon emissions.

  7. have these big companies stop polluting the water

  8. I'd try taking an energy approach to the question. Sure, we can filter water as much as we want. But doing so uses a lot of electricity, most of which is coming from non-renewable resources these days. So by conserving water, you are not only saving water, but decreasing your electricity consumption as well.

  9. water is a verry preacous thing we are lucky to have it we must conserve it.

  10. First, there is only so much of it. Treatment works of course, you can drink your own urine if need be, but why not let nature do the work for you? Don't waste it and there should be enough. Look at Arab and African countries with enormous wealth - they can't drink oil or diamonds. Desalination is even too expensive for them. Water is a staple of life and folks are paying huge amounts for bottled water that often came out of a city tap. If nothing else, learning to conserve one element such as water can lead to conserving other things which puts less stress on the planet, reduces ozone and CO2. Water could become the wealth of the future as the world's population grows.

  11. Pumping the water still requires energy

  12. There being a shortage of water is a myth. The planet is like 70% water and yes most of that is the world ocean, but still, we can desalinize that water ... we have been doing it for years.

    The only reason you will need to conserve water is to reduce your water bill and electric bill.

  13. What if it doesnt rain like here in Fl.

  14. The WHY is that even though we DO have treatments for water, it also takes a lot of energy and resources to clean the water, and as we know, this world is based on economy, so there is a certain point where cleaning the water is not longer cost efficient and takes more resouces and energy than what the water is worth. Plus if those resources we use to clean the water suddenly stop working, we'll be screwed.

    Plus though we do have the systems, there is a point where water can become too polluted with nasty nasty toxins and the like for it to be recycled or completely purfied to standard.

    And the amount of estimated freshwater in the world is not ALL useable, some is stored as ice caps or underwater aquaducts/resevoirs that are unattainable.

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