
Can someone give me there best tutorial on how to inward scream?

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i really want to know how to inward scream. ive tried the outward scream and i sounded like a choking bird. and i would also like to know the best thing to drink before inward screaming and how much of it i need for inward screaming for a long period of time.




  1. dude inward screaming is for people whos too LAZY to practice outward. just drink lots of water and keep doing outward. scream along to your favorite deathcore songs. and KEEEEEEP practicing. i was horrible at first and embarrasing to my friends. now they're like whao!!! so dont worry about inward. it hurts to do it and messes your voice up in the long run.

  2. hahaha amateurs who scream look retarded so just dont do it and just enjoy people who can.. k?

  3. the only way u can learn is to practice, practice, adn keep practicing! believe me i sounded like c**p when i started screaming singing, like slipknot bury your dead and such. best thing i found was to not stress your vocal chords, the sounds should come from your chest, not your throat. use your diaphram, it produces a louder, lower sound much nicer. drink warm liquids, honey tea works good. keeps throat lubricated. dont stress your vocal chords though! it can severly damage them. practice it but try to learn to make the sounds in your chest before they come out

  4. wasn't that from a jack black movie?

  5. Inward screaming must look very convincing in the eyes and face. You must feel and look petrified, and it should show, as well as be very, very scary. Breathe very low and support your scream lower than the diaphragm if possible, or as low as the abdomen. Practice deep breathing and breath support to prepare for it. Next, feel it before you do it. Whatever frightens you (like for me anything closed in, like being stuck in an elevator or someone sneaking up on me) will do the trick. You should drink nice warm (but not over hot) tea with a little bit of honey and lemon in it. This will help to keep the vocal mechanism clear. Also, slippery elm lozenges or capsules are good to lubricate the throat. I always take them with me to an audition. You can also put a slippery elm capsule in tea and drink it. Remember to keep that feeling of tension buildling up before letting out that scream. Good luck!

  6. I suppose you could try some gin- enough and I suppose you could belt out a good inward scream. I'd try it but I'm off gin for now. Otherwise I suppose you need some good, strong vessels along the cranial area and you should manage fine with a good, long inward scream.

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