
Can someone go to jail for punching (kicking) a guy a few times to teach him a lesson?

by  |  earlier

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For example: If someone tries to knock on your girlfriend, and you punch him hard a few times ; or if there's a bully and you scare him with a strong punch?




  1. buddy, its called assault.

    don"t get me wrong the smart arses, and sexual deviants that have got big mouths, and often hands that will touch a women inappropriately need and deserve natural justice.

    but in a case that your talking you can by Law use whats referred to as reasonable force to subdue or pacify the situation, kicking some numb skull you would"t convince a Judge that you where trying to only defend yourself.

    And he whilst morally may even agree with you he has to find you guilty and make the punishment fit the crime.

    think long and hard before you give idiots a kicking buddy.

  2. depends on why you punched him

  3. in US you can

  4. If it's in self-defence, no.

  5. yes it can be considered assult. When you say knock your girlfriend I am not sure what you mean other than approach her, talk to her, flirt with her and you can be arrested for assault and battery.  If there is a bully that is harrasing you and you think you are about to get into a fight you should be able to walk away or push him away if you want physical contact and punches could start up. In that case you most likely wouldn't have to go to jail

  6. if ur over 18 ull go to jail if not ull go to juvie or get put on house arrest

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