
Can someone good at IQ tests help with this?

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I have asked this question twice and no one has been able to give me a satisfactory answer, so please read carefully before responding.

I was online looking for fun IQ tests and I came across this one (link given below). Unfortunately, the pattern recognition questions at the beginning of the test are beyond me. Now I'm really curious to find out how they're done. I would like someone who is good at IQ tests to have a look at the first section and try to explain to me how to see the patterns. For example, there are a few with what look like green branches laid across each other, but I can't seem to establish any link between them. Also, there are some with beads on a ring, some with squares that have bars inside them etc.

Please take the test and then try to explain to me how it's done. Not knowing is driving me insane!




  1. ok just took the test and i got a 113...not to bad had to have a 124 to get into the International high IQ Society...thank you that was fun

  2. The green branches increase in number by 1 each square.

    The boxes with black circles in move 1 (clockwise) space with each square.

    The circle with rings is a pattern of movement also.

    Good luck and just try to enjoy it.

  3. Whilst I found this site most intriguing I must admit that I found it strange that they asked pointed questions about the US Government midway.

    For an intriguing test of your intellect (without government intervention) i would suggest

    parental advisory:

    read the fine print


  4. have no idea just done the test n got 101 must be good at guessing cause i didn't kno most ov the answers sorry  

  5. My I.Q tells me this is spam and you are trying to attract people to this site.Does that make me a genius?

    Nice try,not convinced.

  6. Okay, I did it twice and scored around 140 each time, the Visual sequence questions do vary, but there are 11 unique question sequences, so I answered them and took a screenshot.

    The answers are marked with a green box.

    I have numbered them, but I can't be bothered explaining them all, so just add details of which ones you want explained but referring to the number;


    I was in a hurry, I probably copied over the answer from 7 to 8 by mistake while doing the screenshots as I had to keep going back to see other questions, good eye though.

    anyway here they are;


    Basically, 2 and 4 are the same question, so i'll skip doing 4.  To solve this, you basically take away or add a line depending on what the previous one was.  I marked the crossing lines in red in boxes 1 and 2 of each row, so when they cross they disappear from the 3rd box.  See this image, the top 3 boxes are sequence 1, then the 3 below is 2 and the one at the bottom is 3;


    This one basically converts basic number sequences into a diagram, each time a stick crosses over that represents a number (green circles), so in the first 3 are 3 crossovers, then there are 6 in the next and 9 in the last, so it's, 3,6,9 that means 3 is added each time.  The second one is 2,4,8, that basically means the number is doubled each time, now the answer sequence is 2,3, so the last one must be 4 as it is just adding one each time.


    In this one, you just add the circles to the next sequence, look at the green circles I made and see how they are added using the green arrows, so the answer can be figure out easily.

    I tried to explain, but I find it easier just to do it as answers just pop into my head, you don't really think, you just know straight away, but hope this helped.

  7. I just took the test and score 134. The questions on pattern recognition are really varied. The first I went with the relationship of the sticks. The second, who knows. The last few were a bit easier, with the shapes fitting into the earlier ones. The colored blocks I followed one set of colors, and that didin't work on the last one or two, since they had more than one with the yellows in the same place. I think the way they score is if they see you finding a way to answer, like I did with the color patterns. I didn't pay, didn't see the results, just the score. I would like to know which were the right answers, but will have to guess that I got some of them right anyway.

    You need to get a bottle of tequila, sit on a rooftop and think about them and start drinking the bottle. When you figure out the patterns, you can stop drinking.

    The bill is in the mail

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