
Can someone have too much coffee? What's too much coffee?

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What happens if you drink too much coffee? Is it dangerous? What are the risks?




  1. Coffee overdose is a myth, like The Loch Ness Monster and North Dakota.

  2. When I drink too much coffee I feel jittery and feel like my heart is racing.  But it takes ALOT of coffee to get me to that point (I normally drink about a pot a day).

    I think too much of anything is probably a bad thing.

  3. 4 pots in a day might be too much, I don't think so however.

    the doctor told my daughter to always have a cup of coffee if she was getting one of those aura migraines. It would help it to go away faster. He told her to have at least one cup per day.

    I drink coffee from the time I get out of bed til I am ready to get back in there!! It doesn't hurt my sleeping.

    If you are not used to the caffeine it can make you very jittery and nervous. If you don't drink it don't start. It is about addictive and will give a massive headache for about a week if you try to quit drinking it.

    My doctor requires me to have fasting blood draws quarterly. By the time I get up get dressed and drive 2 hours to town, I am in dire need of coffee!! If the lab isn't open I will defy orders and go have coffee. And to H*** with the doctors and nurses who frown on this!!!

  4. no dangers but be care full caffeine tends to cause side effects ... for example migraines.... you need to check out they have several other things that caffeine cause

    good luck

  5. I think people's coffee-tolerance is individual.

    For me 2 cups is the limit - more is too much. I can't have coffee after 2pm, if I want to sleep the following night.

    My boyfriend drinks at least a pot of coffee a day - and he'll have a cup of coffee if he can't sleep :lol:

  6. there are a few diff rent things that makes coffee not good for you.  

    The immediate concern is the amount of caffeine that is in coffee.  If you drink one cup of coffee; its not going to kill you.  But caffeine in large doses can really wreck havoc on your heart, your nervous system, and many other important bodily functions.  

    another concern of drinking too much coffee is that it dehydrates you.  I'm not saying you'll wither into a raisin immediately, but you definitely will need to drink a lot of water to stabilize your bodily fluids.

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