
Can someone help me? I really need help!? ?

by  |  earlier

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Well I haven't had my first period yet, but i think its coming soon.

When i peed it hurt really bad, than today i was having the worse pains in my stomach today, and i noticed a Little i mean very little red dot, i don't really feel well, and ive been SO hungry these days.

and i have had discharge for about almost a year.

CouldI'mou say i could get it in the next 10-20 days?

im also 13 almost 14

& how do you insert a tampon? i dont want to put it in the wrong hole, lol.




  1. right now your spotting and you should get it in the next few days or so. try using pads at first. i was like you i wanted to just hurry up and use the tampons. well i did that but i got a big surprise because when i put it in it burned and stung badly.then when i took it out it felt like someone cut my v****a. it was like that because i was too dry and i didnt have enough blood in there. soo unless your first period is heavy or like a normal period i would just stick to the pads at first. oh and about witch hole to put it in just look at the diagram in the tampon box or ask your mom. good luck!! :-)

  2. the little red dot was spotting, your period will come soon, i suggest pads for your first period, or ask you mom for help with tampons

    i hope this helps

  3. Typically tampons come with instructions. And you should know what hole to put it in. If it's the last hole that's your r****m. If it splits open and bleeds a whole bunch, that's your uretha.  

  4. Don't put the tampon n the hole where your p**p comes out. You shouldn't feel the tampon if it is inserted properly. You put it in and angle it toward your lower back. If it feels painful in there, take it out and try again. Although it feel uncomfortable taking it out if it is still dry. It usually takes some practice to get it in properly. Sometimes if your bleeding hard,  and you go to insert it, it will slide in there funny and you have to try again too. Good luck

  5. You should not be hurting when you urinate, nor should you be seeing any red blood. I would mention this to your Mom just in case she wants to have you checked for a urinary tract infection.

    When you start you first periods, you usually will discharge a chocolaty colored discharge, this will go on for awhile until you begin to have the hormone levels needed to have the red blood begin. It is not a wise thing to use tampons until you are having the red discharge and have been having a regular period for awhile.

    If you are having questions I would ask your Mom, she will be more then happy to help you with the right type of pads to use as well as the type of tampons to use she can also give you a better idea of how to insert them

  6. well you should get it relatively soon but no one knows for sure the date or time

    there are instructions on how to put the tampon in with the box

    but be sure to carry pads with you too

    and dont wear tampons for too long, it can lead to TSS

    good luck!!

  7. Oh Welcome to woman hood!! Please talk to your momma, she will be glad to help you with any questions, On a personal note, you should get used to pads and having your cycle before you start using tampons.Do you like drinking hot tea? There are some nice ones your mom can get you that will help with cramps. If you are hungry and having cravings.

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