
Can someone help me? braces question?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I got my braces tightened for the third time today, and they put this new thing on my top teeth to make my teeth come together faster. it is clearish whitish and is called a chain something. so now, my teeth feel like they are pulling together so much, and i can feel pressure on my teeth. what can i do to make my teeth stop hirting. also is it normal for my head to hurt since i just got my braces tightened?




  1. Yes, this is normal. Try taking some Tylenol Extra Strength or Motrin to help relieve the pain.

  2. yeah its totally normal. i just recently got a chain too. i had headache the next few days. all i can think of is taking asprin to releive the pain. and i also heard that if you have a head ache and you dont like to take asprin that if you think of your favorite dessert, it takes the pain away because it takes your mind off of it!

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