
Can someone help me by telling me what my sun, moon and rising signs mean?

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  1. The sun sign is your basic nature without any modifying influences.  Yours is Cancer so your nature is to be sensitive to what others say about you-to be emotional about family- to be careful about money and possesions. * Your rising sign is how the world perceives you, how you start your endeavors, and an overall body sketch.  Yours is Libra--a more intellectual energy than  Cancer. This sign likes to circulate with people and communicate, and is concerned with other people. *Your Moon represents how you express your emotions and the quality of emotions.  Moon in Aries finds it difficult to express deep emotional feelings because it wants to be independant and self-sufficent.  It can flash hotly but has trouble maintaining that feeling because it would rather rush on to the next big thing than do the  work required to make something last.  Now this is really basic and there are other planets involved that could modify the things I've said. And you could have a Grand Cross which is very important.  You should find someone who can do a thorough interpretation so you can get a better picture of who you are.

  2. As far as I'm concerned they don't mean a thing. Not any more than reading tea leaves, feeling the bumps on your head, tossing some weird cards on a table or rearranging your furniture to redirect more good vibes into your soul.


  3. Each "planet" was in a zodiac sign when you were born. Your Sun and mine were both in Cancer. Your Moon was in Aries you say, but mine was in Leo I know. The Rising sign or Asendant was the one on the horizon when you were born. Yours was Libra you say, and mine was Taurus. The Descendant is opposite the Ascendant. The Midheaven is  90 degrees above the Ascendant, and the Imum Coeli is opposite the midheaven. Each indication has meaning. I usually write 8 to 12 pages in a full horoscope for someone. Some people have more complex charts than others do.

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