
Can someone help me choose a fighting syle?

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Ok,ok. I know that I shouldn't base fighting style on others people's opion blah,blah,blah. I am wondering what the technique to some of these fighting stlye are like. (i.e. what's different between karate and TKD?)




  1. I 'll tell you what, here is a list of some very effective styles.


    Won hop kuen do

    CHA 3 kenpo

    Kyokushin karate

    Muay thai

    Choy li fut kung fu

    Kali / Eskrima / Arnis

  2. i would say taekwando its a lot better even though karate works on str takewando works on the balance

  3. tkd was pretty fun for me when i was in it but i dont know much of the difference between the two.

  4. kyokushin karate  (hardest style of all karate styles) is like muay thai only that you can't strike to the head whit fist and elbows (knee, legs you can). And you dont train whit those big gloves on , most of the training you train whit no gloves. Only when you are sparring then you need to put some little MMA gloves on and chin bone protection.

    SO in my opinion if you go for karate take this style.

  5. Besides Karate being Okinowan/Japanese & TKD being Korean. Karate is a well balanced art while TKD is 70% kicks & 30% punches.

    Practical Martial Arts For Self Defense are:

    Jeet Kune Do Concepts

    Combat Hapkido

    Krav Maga


    Kyokushin or some type of kickboxing but it would be wise to learn ground fighting along with it.

  6. Well, first of all, Taekwondo is very focused on kicks, almost the entire system is based around the kick while Karate focuses on power and efficiency, Chinese Martial Arts vary in styles and they're what i train in, I do a mix of Wing Chun, Bagua, Luohanquan, and Elephant and so far, I do believe that out of all martial arts, Wing Chun, which is a style that focuses on getting in close and quick, effective strikes and an almost impenetrable defense of keeping your hands close to your body gets you through any street fight and Krav Maga is really very good because at the Krav Maga seminar I went to, they made us run and expend all of our energy before training to immitate real situations and it shows you how to hold up against guns, knives, crowds, etc. anyways, hope this helps.

  7. You should first know what youre looking for.

    FIRST you must check your local schools to meet the instructors and see who strikes you as the most interested in helping you grow in the art.

    next, if there are more than one places you would feel comfortable joining, read more about each art that is offered at these various schools.

    are there 8 year old black belts at these schools?

    does it take 2-3 years to get a black belt here?

    stay at a class in each school and see how much they learn on an average day and ask yourself if you think its not effective or something you care to learn for the type of fighting you want to know.

    do you want to know how to fight in a ring( as sport).. then look for a complete system or gym that does mixed martial arts with many instructors

    do you want to know self defense? then look at a school that isnt all about the tournaments and point system scoring and competition.

    many people here are saying things like "karate this" or "TKD that" but every single school is different.

    all systems can be effective, if your instructor teaches effectively and teaches effective techniques!!

    all about the schools available in your area.

    go to google maps and type in "City, state" (insert yours there) and click "Find Businesses" and type in martial arts to find local dojos

  8. White eyebrow is a very deadly and fast martial art originaly taught so 1 guy could go up against more than one martialy trained opponent, its also a short fist like wing chung, and its movements are based on tiger. I am sure we both know of shaolin kung fu, and chen style tai chi has its rewards, physicaly and mentaly.

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