
Can someone help me chose between these 2 types of T.V?

by Guest59703  |  earlier

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Please help me choose, and tell me why the one you chose, is better?





  1. The second one has a better scanning system thus gives a better moving picture i.e. sports, fast action films etc.

    As for the sites no help on that one I'm afraid try M&S,

  2. Scales of production what they are, they both likely use the same quality or even brand LCD panel. Differences, however will be found in warranty, chasis component quality, sound quality, and SD scaling performance. Some generic sets are quite good, and some are utterly abominable. Before you buy any set, even an XBR-line Sony, PLEASE audition it. Really, some LCD sets are so bad nothing but a big mallet can make them look good. Then, at least you've got some modern art for those 300 quid :D

    On another note, the Grundig has a PC monitor resolution, so it's dual use. Same with the Sony, but its resolution is lower on account of the smaller panel size.

  3. Sony is better.

    Tom Masters

  4. The Sony is a far better buy than the Grundig, i know it is tempting to go for the cheaper grundig with the larger screen but there is no comparison in picture clarity and reliability.

    Go for the Sony, i did.

  5. yea the sony picture quailty will be alot better and also the after care and warrenty will be better. Ive got a sony TV and I love it

  6. get the sony

  7. Get the Sony.  Its a little more, but it is a more established brand that will have better support for its products.

    The Sony is a better tv, as well.  It has better color a smoother motion.

  8. Sony will probably be the better tv but I have had Grundig products before and had no problems.

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