
Can someone help me figure out how to stop having these dreams? im a perverted because of these dreams?

by  |  earlier

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i keep having these twisted but at the same time wonderful dreams. first im in a totally normal situation everything is peaceful, like im in reality. then this guy, usually the same one, comes up to me and like seduces me. and i become his slave, and i do anything he wants. like last time i had the dream with the guy he fingered me everywhere, and then ate me out. and i enjoyed it, but then at the same time i wanted to get out of the sick twisted place. and the dream is reoccuring except what he does is different and the place where it happens is too.i dont think a person my age (im 13) should have these dreams, and i want it to end. im just weirded out by it all.




  1. No

  2. im not sure really im thinking it's a sexual desire tho, and your mind is just expressing it through dreams

  3. People are ofter very diff rent in their dreams than they are in reality. That is normal. Most s*x dreams involve things that you know when awake you would not enjoy. That is why it is called dreaming. You know in your waking mind that if you were very submissive you would be told to do things you would not like. Your dominate stranger just wants to please you in your dream. Every one wants to be pleased. You are quite normal. You are not a pervert.

  4. uhhhm dreams dont always hav to mean something so u probably dont hav to worry bout it all that much..

    as for the wierd guy i asked the same question a couple of days ago so heres the link and u can check out some of the answers that i got

  5. Dreams about s*x are totally natural at your age.

    Don't worry about it.

    As far as the strange guy goes thats normal too.

    Think about would you want it to be someone you actually have too see.

    And some girls are Submissive some are dominant.

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