
Can someone help me figure out this dream? it's very odd!?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dream that i was in my hometown and someone came and told me my ex was dead. everyone was sad, everyone was crying except for me. But even though i wasn't crying they came to comfort me and only me. I was thinking well since they are comforting me, i should force myself to cry which i did. Now once i did that i saw another ex of mine [they didn't know/never met each other] and for some reason he wanted me back, he called but i wasn't there, then he came to see me to see how i was and told me to stop crying about my ex. he was geting really mad because i was crying about the other ex....i don't get that dream at all!!

Background: the ex who "died" I was with him for 6 years, we broke up 7 years ago. I have no feelings whatsoever for him, I truly dont, but for some reason[eventhough he's amrried] he keeps calling my mother! About the other ex, I have been thinking about him [about what went wrong] but we broke up 2 years ago...So can anyone help decode that dream? thank you!




  1. Your confused ... you have two many ex's. Some time when you cannot decided about some thing when your awake the brain try to show it to you as dream. Actually you dont have to bother about ... sort out you Ex problem and you will never see the dream. Remeber most of the dream that you see way your brain tries to relax,,, if you have stressfull day and done lot of thinking and confused abt it you get weird dream just relax and try sort out problems in real life your dream will be alright

  2. One of the things I learned in dream class, was that very often an

    ex can represent the past; not the person specifically, but something

    about your past.

    explore the feelings associated with the dream, and see if they apply to any other areas.  is something in your past dead?

    not sure if any of this helps, but maybe it will give you a start to think about other areas it could be.

    God bless.

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