
Can someone help me figure out who this character is?

by Guest56834  |  earlier

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I'm looking for a character from an old anime. He has longish black hair, and wears a red suit thing, his name is Lionus or Linus or something like that, and he travels around the universe. Possibly looks like Keith from Voltron. If you have any suggestions, please give them. Thanks!




  1. Darth Vader

  2. Well at first I thought of "Battle of the Planets" but I don't think any of them had long hair.

    Then I thought of Mobile Suit Gundam which came out in 1979, but I am unfamiliar with the characters even though there IS one character who wears a red suit.

    Maybe also it was Cyborg 009 which came out in 1968. All of the main characters wear red in that one. There is a guy with longish hair but his name doesn't start with an L.

    Then, after researching this for about an hour, I regret I had to give up. However... here's a link for you:

    If you click on that you can click on the buttons that say "Anime of the 1960's/1970's/1980's etc..." There looks like there's nothing there because after the link it says "(0)" but there are plenty of anime listed under each one. Perhaps if you sorted through those you might see the title and it will trigger your memory!

    Well, I hope I helped a little. I sorted through all of the 60/70/and part of the 80s and nothing triggered my memory, but I wasn't sure what I was looking for, so maybe you will find better results from the same search!

    =) Good luck and post the title if you find it! I'm curious now.

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