
Can someone help me figure this quote out?

by  |  earlier

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It goes something like, "If they leave and come back, they were always yours. But if they don't, they never were" ?




  1. if you love somebody, let them go. if they come back they are yours forever. if they don't, they were never yours.

  2. The quote says............

    The truth of the matter is this if you loved them and trully loved them it would be impossible to leave ....

  3. If you love some thing set it free if it comes back its yours.   If it doesn't it never was. ~~This means that in life sometimes we love someone so much that we want to keep them evenm when they want to go.  But because we love them we should let them go, and if they come back they love you, but if they don't........... they don't.  Short version.........If it is meant to be it will be.

  4. A cat came yesterday and stayed an hour but wouldn't eat.  I kept him in while I went out for 3 hours.  He stayed for a few minutes with the door open then came to where I was, and was not seen again.  There is no certainty that he will ever return.

    Do you think he cares for me at all?

  5. There is a quote:

    "If you love something, set it free!  

    If it returns - it's yours!

    If it doesn't - it never was!"

  6. it means what it says.

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