
Can someone help me find french clothing on-line for me; I'm 20 and I'm a guy.?

by Guest56314  |  earlier

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I am going to Paris in one month. I am 20, skinny, long hair, and I need to know where I can buy some clothing on-line that has french clothing for guys my age, or clothing extremely similar to the clothing french guys in their early 20's are wearing. If you could post some website addresses it would be much appreciated! Thank you.





    they even send it anywhere in the world for you, I am french and leaving in Australia, and that's where I buy my clothes

  2. If you really want to look like a Parisian from St Germain des Pres I might have a solution for you. A young French women has set up an online business (it was featured on French TV) about doing your shopping in Paris for you and forwarding it to you even if you live abroad. Here is her website:

    The website is in French but you can go to her contact page and send her a message telling her what you are looking for exactly, I am sure she’ll be able to help here is the contact page:

    Good luck

  3. got one

  4. look on ebay,you should be able to find any kind of clothing you want!!Good luck

  5. But where are you exactly?

    Are you in UK? In the US ?

    I know some websites, such as Celio, C&A, les 3 Suisses, la Redoute or Jules, but I don't think they can deliver abroad.

    And you know, French people just wear the same things as all the Westerners...Here everybody buys his clothes in H&M, Gap, Hillfiger or in small stores in malls.

    And don't worry about that, you can go to the mall on your first day you arrive in France, and that will be even cheaper.

  6. get a beret, skinny jeans, puma shoes, and a tight sweater and, there you go.

  7. You can buy clothing EXACTLY like what guys your age in Paris are wearing at your local department store. Levis for example.

    And if you're going thru this exercise in the hopes of "blending in" then forget it. You won't. The instant you open your mouth you'll be recognized as a foreigner.

  8. Somene else already put Celio, 3Suisses, LaRedoute, Jules, etc. That's about it. Also GAP is very fashionable as is H&M and a Spanish shop which has been met with huge success called Zara.

    If you want to blend in just wear jeans, a sweatshirt or jumper, trainers or tennis shoes (very hot brands in France right now are Springcourt, Superga and Puma). Don't wear a beret what ever you do - you'll stick out like a sore thumb. Grab a Starbucks and you'll be lost in the crowd.

    Happy travels.

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