
Can someone help me find information about the current homeschooling controversy in california?

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From what i understand NOW, no law has been passed yet that says that credentialess (I don't know if that's a word!) parents cannot teach their children. Can someone post links and URL's that can show me what exactly is going on with this issue? And what is the old law that was "violated" by some homeschooling family? Is there a new law that may be passed? Can someone please just tell me the story, give me a link to the story, and help find some pure facts online that aren't biased?

Thanks in advance!




  1. I gave a detailed answer to another question on this topic in this forum, but here is the link to the actual case:


    Briefly, there were no "old laws." As homeschooling grew everyone assumed that home schools were "private schools." Every state, CA included, has compulsory education laws. CA has two major exceptions:

    a) Full-time enrollment in a private charter school; or

    b) tutoring by a "credentialed tutor."

    The CA appellate court held that homeschools are not "private charter schools" and as such the only other exception would be tutoring by a "credentialed" tutor. The fact that this HS family was umbrellaed under another school did not sway the court at all. They had to go back to 1953 to find cases to support their position.

    This case will either be depublished (can't be used to support any other case) or amended through legislation.

    You should read the actual case though. It is VERY hostile to homeschooling. Granted, this wasn't a great family. They got tangled up in the legal system because of allegations of child abuse. The state child welfare agency brought this case against the parents.

  2. California Department of Education



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    Curriculum & Instruction Testing & Accountability Professional Development Finance & Grants Data & Statistics Learning Support Specialized Programs Home » Newsroom » News Releases » Year 2008 Printer-friendly version

    Release: #08-28

    March 11, 2008Contact: Pam Slater


    Phone: 916-319-0818Schools Chief Jack O'Connell Issues Statement

    Regarding Home Schooling in California

    SACRAMENTO — State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell announced today that the California Department of Education has completed a legal review of the February 28 California Court of Appeal ruling regarding home schooling. O'Connell issued the following statement:

    "I have reviewed this case, and I want to assure parents that chose to home school that California Department of Education policy will not change in any way as a result of this ruling. Parents still have the right to home school in our state.

    "Every child in our state has a legal right to get an education, and I want every child to get an education that will prepare them for success in college and the world of work in the challenging global economy.

    "As the head of California's public school system, I hope that every parent would want to send their children to public school. However, traditional public schools may not be the best fit for every student. Within the public school system there are a range of options available. Students can take independent study classes, attend a charter school, or participate in non-classroom-based programs. But some parents choose to send their children to private schools or to home school, and I respect that right.

    "I admire the dedication of parents who commit to oversee their children's education through home schooling. But, no matter what educational program a student participates in, it is critical that the program prepares them for future success in the global economy. I urge any parent who is considering or involved in home schooling their children to take advantage of resources and support available through their county or district offices of education."

    # # # #


    Jack O'Connell — State Superintendent of Public Instruction

    Communications Division, Room 5206, 916-319-0818, Fax 916-319-0100

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