
Can someone help me find out who said this quote?

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it goes something like this

"in order to earn money one must use money" ?

something like that




  1. "It takes money to make money."

    The saying is describes as "an old cliche' " in the article linked below.

  2. don't know

  3. Hi, ladies i am having a bit of a problem and i was wondering if someone can help me out here. I recieve cash assistance through the state and i have to go to this thing called job search well i've gone every week since February and never had any problem. well when i go what happens is every week i have to bring in these papers with 20 employer contacts that are by me walking in someplace and filling out an app and i need 20 employer call back contacts well anyway last week they said i put down aplace that was closed on accident and i said i went there and filled out an app and so they are threatening to stop my cash assistance unless i come up with a good reason as to why i put down a place that was closed. i know its wrong to lie but i have no source of income right now except my assistance and i can't afford to lose it so does anyone have any

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