
Can someone help me get my jaw off the floor?

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McCain bashes Obama's lack of experience for months and then . . .(drumroll please) . . . picks Plain (oops) Palin as VP?! She admitted she hasn't been keeping up with the war in Iraq! Does it not concern her? I view this as a VERY see-through move to attract Hillary supporters and i'm shocked. Why would he make such a galacticly ginormously terrible choice?

And what if (God forbid) something happens to McCain? How overwhelmed would she be handling a war she knows nothing about?




  1. This question would be almost comical if your ignorance weren't so sad.

    There's a difference between being a state senator, being eleced to the Senate and running for president for majority of your short time in office, and being a city councilwoman, mayor, and Governor and then getting the number two spot, not the number one spot on your ticket.

    Try again buddy.

  2. Thats the last thing America need is for a clueless women to get president. If something happened and she were president........all i can say is !@#$

  3. I cannot believe he made such a poor choice.

    I don't think he's too concerned about what would happen if something were to happen to him; he wouldn't have to be the one dealing with it, we would.

    He is selfish and very disrespectful to think HRC supporters will subject themselves to this foolish ballot.

  4. Yea...I agree that he is trying to win over Clinton voters...He's so anti-woman everything and then chooses a female VP...Does he seriously think Americans are that stupid??

  5. the choice in running mates does not affect our country, John Mccain or anybody else,.

    We could elect a dead cat animal for president, prop the dead cat in the presidents chair in the oval office, call him mr president, and the us would go on like business as usual. you could even have a woman president. it doesnt matter.

    Balack Obama , White old man, woman, g*y, two headed bearded

    half man half does not matter who is president.

    who runs the united states of america?the president.?.america is run by corporations.the rich get richer.and the poor?

    the corruption runs so deep in our government that if it were irridacated the U.S. would collapse..

    haliburton is still ripping off the voters.oil companies, billions of dollars of profit

    .oil is our is a national security asset.oil price goes up , jobs go down ,  unemployment up ,     oil price down, unemployment down.

    the u. s. corporations own US.WE are owned by a gas tank.

    tHE OIL COMPANIES COULD CHARGE $10.00 A GALLON, AND NOT CARE. they watch as you vote , and they laugh when you give them all you money. they could starve you to death and you can not stop it. they could make you walk,starve,cry,be homeless,

    United states of ARCO>

    you think YOU will stop the oil companies, corporations, from running the worlds citizens as transparent slaves.

    our coutries borders are allowing any body to come in.

    if i enter your house with out permission you call the cops.

    if 8 billion mexicans enter our country do you call the police.

    no. you go vote .nothing happens.

    viet nam, korea,iraq, etc,etc, nagasaki,we kill other people in other countries.we dropped a nuclear bomb on people eating breakfast and going to school, japan.

    the us kills people for oil. there killing you slowly.


    look at our education sytem. the us students graduate and cant read or write. we have a generation of white , wanna be black,uneducated, white trash, cant form a thought, illiterate, OBESE glutonous , single parent , no parent,STD of the throat epidemic,b*****d, kids.

    THATS WHO VOTES.sexually transmitted disesases are epidemis in young girls.

    a nation of whores.


    oral s*x diseases run rampant in our nations daughters. blame the parents.

    parents are trash, kids are trash, w***e daughters,sons,obesity, sexual madness, no responibilities,pos.

    . societal breakdown has produced a generation of people with no morals and the inability to form a logical thought.

    moral breakdown, uninformed, b*****d generation,

    waitin foe a hand out from thje government, VOTERS coming up.


    we are the fattes laziest, soon to be least educated country in the world.

    you cant stop the corporations.and you blame the government.



    our  nations daughters are whores std is rampant,our sons are not fathers to there children, and you think your vote will stop this spiraling moral decay.

    the young populous is to busy bumpin uglies to know what there voting for.

    so pick a woman mccain, and Barack, its not about Barack,

    the US is so desperate for change they will hire an unknown black man. anyone from the hood knows more about the world than these out of touch old white devils. the white racists wont be calling Barack a nggr any more, IT WILL BE MR PRESIDENT SIR.

    only in america

    Thank God for hope, in any color.




  7. dun dun dun, i know ey ? LACK OF EXPERIENCE then dun dun dun palin who ?

  8. Palin has more experience and accomplishments than Obama.  

  9. i cant bc im still to busy picking my own jaw up...

    i dont get it..  

  10. It was a desperate grab for Hillary supporters but they seemed to lose site of the fact that most of the so-called PUMAs were Republicans in sheep's clothing anyway. Then again McCain's mind is not always so sharp these days, maybe it was a senior moment. They could have chosen somebody that could really have challenged Obama/Biden's economic expertise, or somebody from an important swing state, or somebody who would have been very prepared to sit in the seat if McCain should unfortunately leave it vacant, but if track record is any indication Republicans are not very good at making important decisions.

  11. And by God it worked!

    Doesn't that just drive you nuts?

  12. It's in perfect keeping with the obvious...McCain's an idiot. She can't even speak. From her speech today (paraphrased, because it was so unmemorable):

    "I just told them (about the bridge to nowhere)...if we want a bridge, we'll build it ourselves".

    Now, I don't care who you are, that's one dynamic comment.


  13. just what you said he's trying to get the former hilary supporters.  

  14. It's simple.  I've known from the beginning that the Republicans don't want to win this election.  If they had, they wouldn't have chosen McCain.  That's been obvious since the this fiasco started.  I'm a Republican and I'm being forced to vote for a Democratic President simply because I don't have a choice.

  15. My jaw's STILL on the floor.

    I don't get it. That throws the inexperience ploy out the window

  16. Palin has experience and a proved track record with the oil company dynamics

  17. yes that choice made me gasp....obama 08...

  18. I wondered the same thing, Im not gonna pretend I know a lot about any of the candidates but I will say it will be a deep loss for America if another war hungry selfish money grubbing old man is elected as our president. Let's give something new a chance!  Let's have democratic pull in the office for a while and with Hilary backing Obama I see nothing but success. She's seen the workings of the white house, shes been involved in politics ever since Bill left the presidency. As one of the poverty status people in the country I can't stand it anymore! There are rich and poor in this country now and I remember a time when it wasnt so hard. In fact, it just so happened to be about 8 years ago. Imagine that? Bush weasles his way into office and everything goes to h**l. For a better tomorrow, to bring back the ease of the middle class, for a fresh start, people please, OBAMA/Clinton '08!! Thanks.

  19. As Yul Brynner said in "Anna and the King of Siam", it's a puzzlement.  

    Perhaps time will tell.  Or perhaps Senator McCain will explain during the convention in St.Paul.  Maybe the choice was to make sure that we pay attention to that convention.  If so, it worked.  I will pay attention.

  20. ****I actually think its funny..I guess he thought he was making a strategic move but I guarantee it will have nonstrategic results. I thank McCain dearly for providing Obama with a LANDSLIDE victory!!

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