
Can someone help me get these trophy's on millsberry?

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Lucky Charms Charmed Life Master Trophy,

Cinnamon Swirl Trophy,

Reese's® Puffs® Cereal Snowboard Slalom

my user id is h_2008




  1. on the luck charms one, you have i think 3 lives and then on the second level you can get another one. save the lives for the last level. get all the stuff but dont go to the exit, touch one of the kids. do that till you have one life left then get all the stuff and go to the exit.

    cinnamon one i dont know how. try to get 100. i guess.

    and the reeses snowboarding one, you have to have 100% health and the other stuff have to be high too. then you unlock kelly, choose her and do tricks with her to score alot of points. thats what i heard.

    hope that helps.

    id: bobtwixter00

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