
Can someone help me i think im paranoid

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can someone reasure me im not pregnant ive never had s*x before or had a p***s touch my v****a in anyway and im 15 i got my period the last 2 months but it looks like ive gained weight it might be because i wsa just on vacation and ate more than usualb ut my cramps have been stronger lately and my b***s have been hurting the doctor said there wsa nothing wrong with me its just bad pms and i might be going on the pill soon because of that. i got my period at about the right time the past 2 i paranoid?




  1. The only way you can get pregnant is having s***n in your v****a. From what you have said there is absolutely no chance of you being pregnant. From what I've seen of my friends, paranoia of pregnancy isn't an uncommon thing and many of my female friends have asked me the same thing. Don't worry about it, you are absolutely fine.

  2. yes you are

    theres no chance in h**l that you are pregnant

    unfortunately i had bad pms to and was put on the pill

    pms makes yoru b***s hurt and you will get bad cramps

    you need to go on the pill becasue the pill makes your periods lighter and more pleasant

  3. You are scared but it's irrational because you didn't have sexual yes you migt have a hormanal imbalance or puberty is attacking you...but you're not pregnant unless you have been sexually active (this includes dry humping) It's like celebrating that you won the lottery but you never bought a ticket.  got it>

  4. just calm down

  5. Yeah, your paranoid.  And your brain can trick your body into thinking it is pregnant even if you are not.  

  6. you are not pregnant!!!!!  You need to learn s*x ed.!!!!!!

  7. Wanna know something amazing about the human mind, is that it can convince your body of anything. if you havn't been sexualy active, then you can't be pregnant. When I was too young, I was active, and every month I did a pegnancy test because I had all the symptoms or pregnancy, weight gain, bloated belly, even morning sickness. So be aware of your mind playing tricks on your body.

  8. listen. theres no way your pregnant if uve never had s*x so stop being paranoid!! those are all normal trust me! they're just period pains!! your body is changing and its reacting so stop worrying its completely normal it happens to every woman on the planet

  9. absolutely

  10.'re paranoid.

    You'll have plenty of time to worry about being pregnant once you start having s*x.

    But, if you are preggers, let us know...the Messiah is due any year now.  

  11. no ur not and the reason why ur gaining weight is because of bloating everyone has it

    and if you never had a p***s touch ur privite spot that no need to worry bout' the pill

  12. no youre not

    i agree with your doc

    cause you could have pms like the most girls/women

    and beside that its pretty normal to have hard breast lik 2 or 1 week(s) before your period

    no need to worry

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