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what is the person calls that TAKES BETS...he does not bet, just takes other peoples bets and writes them down. what does he do? does he get money from this, since he isnt betting? is this illegal? is this related to the mofia?




  1. The person is called a Bookie (book maker) he writes the books, so keeps track of who bets what, and how much. He gets money from the people that bet, from that money he pays out the winners and keep the rest. The more people lose the better it is for the bookie. It is not illegal to do it at venue's like horse racing, golf, football etc. But some people are doing it illegally, but that would be more like "back alleys". The up to scratch bookie's are not related to the mafia as you call it, they are in it for the money be it for themselves our their bosses, however in the 50's the mafia was heavily involved in making the same kind of deals for people to bet.

  2. If you are refering to organized gamling casinos the dealer is the person described in other games it might be the pit cre or pit boss who oversees tyhe gambling. When the house starts to lose they change dealers quite frequently. Organized crime or as you call em the mafia, which means " Our Thing." invented most gambling like the numbers game,etc. starting in the streets and back alleys of Brooklyn,NY's Italian and Jewish neighborhoods. These places produced most of the well known American gangsters like Capone, Luchiano and Lansky,etc. Anything involving big $$$$$ interested the mob and still does, only now theyv'e raked in so much $$$$$since the 20's theyv'e gone legit with top mouthpieces (lawyers) and accountants.These are  the same people who manipulated Havana before Castro and started things rolling in Miami and Vegas and Atlantic City. They also educate their kids in the best schools who then become top lawyers and federal agents, so theyv'e got all sides covered.! These gangsters are the real untouchables in today's big biz.  !

  3. That's a bookie. He records bets and pays off the people that win. He makes a lot of money, because he is putting up money for the bets and so he recieves the money from those that lose. It's usually illegal, except maybe in Vegas. Nothing to do with the mafia, at least not necessarily. Maybe the Mafia has a bookie???idk they probably do, but its just a sports betting person.

  4. A person who takes sports wagers is known as a bookie, and someone who takes bets at a casino is known as a Croupier or Dealer.

  5. How many times did you ask the same question? See answer in original version

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