
Can someone help me improve my full downs?

by  |  earlier

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When I do my full downs, I turn and I don't do something right, so I turn like a foot to the left. Someone please help me! And I also can't seem to turn fast enough!




  1. When your bases pop you in the air ride the cradle all the way to the top. Your body will then naturally be in a layed out position. I have my girls think "Pocket, Pocket" If you were fulling in a pair of jeans, your left arm should pull behind you like you are going to hit your right back pocket, and your right arm should pull toward your front left pocket.

    If you pull to early and dive into the full down you will travel.


    Ride the cradle to the top, drop your left shoulder, left arm should pull behind your, right arm in front, pull your hips to twist faster

    Good luck!

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