
Can someone help me in Dreamweaver?

by Guest65648  |  earlier

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It usually doesn't do this, but today, when I try to connect to the server, it gives me this message:

An FTP error occurred - cannot get remote folder information.

Access denied. The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem. Make sure you have proper authorization on the server and the server is properly configured.

However, when I go to edit the site information in Remote info, It says I successfully connected to the server.





  1. It's successfully connected to the server, but the permissions were changed so you can't get into the folder you want. You can connect to the SERVER (the remote computer) but you can't get into the FOLDER you want. Why? I don't know. Talk to your web administrator.

  2. try this go to the server then check the folder maybe u changed something then u need to link it to it i had the same problem try seeing if it has the same link of things  

  3. if ur information is corrected than its must be ur server is busy, try again in few hours or days or try to upload ur pages one by one to the site physically

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