
Can someone help me on my paper?

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The caregivers use positive guidance and discipline . They promote self control, teach the children responsiblity and help the children make thoughtfull choices.

I need to have 2 examples of self control, teaching responsibility and making thoughtfull choices. Thanks for your help




  1. I think you need to expand on the context of your question.  I also think that if you try to come up with some examples you should be able to.  Good luck.

  2. Fix up= If children damage something, they need to help in fixing it or in cleaning up. If they cause someone distress, they should help in relieving that.

    Time out= During time out, children are required to spend time alone in a specific place that has few, if any, rewarding characteristics. This strategy gives the child a chance to reflect quietly on her or his behavior away from others. When giving a time out, be calm and firm. One minute for each year of the child's age is appropriate.

    Redirection= This strategy can work when you notice that a child is not following the rules and is being uncooperative. Quickly get the child's attention and introduce another activity.

    Distract a child who is in pursuit of another’s toy by scooping her  up, hugging, and bringing her to another area with other toys she likes.

    Redirect a child who is hitting to a pounding bench or cushion, saying "It is not okay to hit people. You may hit this instead.

    Remove a toy which continues to cause fights, and substitute others the children like.

    If it is time for another child to have a turn, lure the child to a different interesting activity by using words to describe the other activity he enjoys.

    Shadow a child who is biting. Praise or hug the child for positive actions every several minutes. Intervene when you see she is about to bite; offer something else (bagel or teething toy) and say "You may not bite people. Bite this instead." If another child is bitten, have the biter assist you in aiding the victim by holding a cold cloth on the injury and talk about how sad the bitten child feels, but do not give the biter excessive attention.

    Offer snack or lunch a bit earlier if children seem to be growing irritable.

    For example, "Tom, please help me water the flowers now. You've been riding the bike for a long time and it's now Lena's turn."

    Take a break: Encourage children to "take a break" or a "time out" from a situation where they are feeling angry or upset.

    Teach and provide attention: Children can learn to resist interrupting others by learning how to observe when others are not talking, so that they can join in appropriately. At the same time, parents should be sure to provide children with attention at appropriate times, so that they are not "starved" for attention and more likely to interrupt inappropriately.

    Use appropriate rewards: Children need consistent, positive feedback to learn appropriate behavior. Praise and attention are highly rewarding for young children, as is special time with a parent. Be sure your child knows what behavior is desired!

    Use specific activities designed to teach self-regulation: Parents can help teach even young children (ages 5-8 years) the skills that foster self-control, using activities such as those that follow. These skills include dealing with "wanting something I can't have," understanding feelings, and controlling anger.

    Puppet Role Playing Activity

    This activity helps young children learn how to identify one thing that they want and cannot have. They will talk about the feelings associated with not being able to have something they want. And, the children will review the possible choices of how to deal with wanting something that is not theirs.

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