
Can someone help me pick a chicken?

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Mum and Dad might let me get a few chickens(only if i build the chicken house and find the information "yay sounds fun") any way can someone please tell me what breeds of chicken are cheap, friendly and like being picked up and come in pretty colours, and are funny to watch? =)





  2. Silky Bantums are cute!

  3. Sounds like Mum and Dad might be telling you no without really saying no.  The buildings can get expensive.  I raise standard size birds so I'm impartial and like them, but if you just want a few for pets I would have to say go with the bantams, (They are what you would call a toy or miniature breed if you  were talking about dogs)  They can look just like the big ones, or can be just as fancy as you can imagine some are called top hats because they have what looks like a ball of feathers on their head, some are feather footed, some have the really neat long tails,   If you only get a few their house could pretty much be a dog house I would try to have a hinged top on it to clean it out, and their feed container could be plastic plumbing pipe(PVC) you get a 90 degree elbow and combine two pieces and put caps on both ends then cut an area in the bottom piece for them to feed from, this will help keep their feed clean and prevent them from wasting to much. I think a dog house would work for the larger birds also if you only had two.  You would need a nesting area this can be a simple box, or even a tire filled with straw, and a roost area we have small branches that have come out of trees.  I don't know what you call cheap, some of the prices for chickens are just crazy! In my area if you are looking for just a plan laying hen mixed breed you will pay 8-12 US dollars, And the small breeds can be that much or more because the are a novelty. Do a search for fancy chickens and bantam chickens on the web for images and see if you find some you like then do a search on the breed for more information.  Just so you know I can't wear any jewlery around my chickens (gold is the worse) they want to peck at it they like how it shines and I had a pretty bad mishap with my ring finger one day nothing to serious just a heads up not to wear any jewlery around your chickens if you get them.

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