
Can someone help me please, I just started an ebay business and I am not understanding the shipping & handling

by  |  earlier

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for example, I have listed a round hat box that weighs 3 to 4 lbs. I rcvd an email asking how much would the shipping be to the UK. I called the UPS store down the street and they said the chg would be $175. and through regular mail it would be $75.00, wow that is ridiculous. What am I doing wrong? Can someone tell me how much the chgs for this example should be..... BTW: I live in Florida. Thanks!




  1. its because your doing international shipping.... if you was shipping it to another state in the us it wouldnt be anywhere near that much.... maby even if u was shipping to mexico or canada... idk... but u should always list that u cant ship internationally expecially if ur giving free shipping.... have a nice day!

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