
Can someone help me to find out some good universities to do my M.S.? Is GRE the only Criteria for doing M.S.?

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I am willing to do M.S abroad after engineering. I am an ece student. I would want to know about some good universities to do my M.S and also the departments an Electronics student can opt for in M.S. Also, I want to know if GRE marks alone is enough to do M.S. Can anyone guide me what one must really do to be prepared to do M.S. abroad? Please help




  1. Hey dont worry about this ! Visit for all the information related to studying abroad in any field you choose. Incase you want information on college rankings you can always visit Also if you have any questions regarding student loans etc... visit   it is simple. just fill out the form there and they will call you back with all the information you need. hope this helps !!

  2. As one who has just finished getting my third Masters, let me give you my take on it. GRE marks have VERY LITTLE to do with getting an MS. I have very good GRE scores on the math section of the GRE, but the scores were not as good on the verbal section. I picked up an MA at Whittier, an MDiv in SC, and a MBA at AMU. The fact of the matter is that none of the three were particularly interested in the GRE. Another fact of the matter is that the GRE score is well known as a worthless predictor of success in either graduate school or later professional practice. You can think of it as a hurdle more than as a criterion to be taken seriously. True, some schools seem to idolize the GRE and these institutions will use it as a selection device. But the days of tyranny by the GRE are all but gone.  Enrollments are down and many universities and colleges are begging for students. If you find yourself either (A) turned down because of a GRE score that is not high enough or (B) turned down in spite of the fact that you have an abnormally high GRE, then do not despair by any means. Try for another. If you are reasonably diligent, I will _guarantee_  that you will find a place. The US, Canada, and Europe all have universities like Bayer has aspirin tablets! Once you get after it, start applying, and keep after it, you WILL be successful. Good Luck!


    --Been there, done that!

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