
Can someone help me to understand...why?

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I live in Florida and I am a young mother who has been following the Casey Anthony case. I had a baby at a young age and had to give up A LOT. I don't regret it, I managed to complete high school and two degrees all with a baby to care for. I had many endless days of not being able to party, date, etc. However, I realized my responsibility as a mother early and I love my son to death. What gives Casey the right to decide to go out and have a good time for the 4th of July as if she doesn't have a child that is missing? During one of the tapes in court during her hearing, she actually SMILED. WTF! It burned me up. Also, I just heard on the news that a Sheriff has been fired for lying to detectives about his relationship with Casey, they were romantically involved but he told investigators he "met her at a club, but hardly knew her". He was only on the force for 6 months. Wonder if he knows anything.

Basically my question is, if detectives found a human hair, got the scent of a decomposing body (which Casey said was a rotting pizza), in the trunk of her car, which she abandoned, going to a neighbors to get a shovel, claiming to leave her daughter at a nanny's that doesn't exist, all this. And to top it all off, she waited a MONTH to report it. With all this, Please tell me why she has been released on bail? You would think that by me having a degree in Criminology I could answer that, but I can't. Any thoughts?




  1. I am not a parent ,I think she must be on some form of drugs or mentally disturbed to get rid a baby(sorry for putting it so bluntly). I think she should be held responsible and be kept locked-up until the investigation is complete with closure, And please any new mother out there,give up the child for adoption,if you don't want a baby.

  2. probly cus she got off on a plea of insanity, which i don't aprove of, if you can commit merder on your own daughter then you should be put in prison to ROT. i personally think that all offenders( no matter the crime) should have the same thing done to them, like micheal vick should've been put in a cell with a raging pit bull and had his throat torn out so he can see what its like firsthand, but yea i hate this case and the woman in it with a passion, she should get the death penalty.

  3. hmmm.. government is f****d up!

    I guess they feel that they dont have enough evidence to charge her as guilty..  

  4. I haven't seen the whole thing like some others but I think that when the judge set bail which was high and he probably shouldn't have set bail at all but then this nut comes along and bails her out because he said that she isn't worried that her child is in danger.

    I totally agree that the judicial system is bad and cases like this shows how bad it is.

  5. Ahh yes, the system works!

    What do you want to hear?  I haven't been following the case but from what you've written it just sounds like another day in the criminal justice system.  Is it right?  NO!  But it's the best we have.  Sometimes we get the right guy and he's punished accordingly.  Sometimes we get the wrong guy and he's punished for someone else's crime.  It blows my mind that the justice system hasn't been revamped.  We are all entitled to legal representation but should all of us receive it?  If it smells like a t**d, and it sits like a t**d... then it's probably a t**d!  And this case smells like one also.  I guess bail is the issue; remember bail is not a verdict of innocence, it's a temporary get out of jail for free card.

    BTW... I've spoiled my share of pizza in my time and it's never gotten to a point where it smelt anything close to a decomposing corpse.  But that's just me.  

  6. She's young... probably has a way with men to get her way.  Either by manipulating them, making them feel sorry for her, or whatever motive she has.  I think she's behind it 100%, and figured she'd never be caught or get into trouble.  If she didn't want her child then she should have just given her up to a family who wanted a child... instead of doing whatever she did with poor little Caylee.

  7. well you can get a baby sitter but you can hardly trust any gov is just mess up

  8. I'm not sure it's anything anyone would WANT to understand. Some things in this world are just disturbing and heart-wrenching beyond belief.  

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