
Can someone help me translate "Deutschland, warten Sie minen Kommen beschdimt!" into English?

by Guest64080  |  earlier

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What does "Deutschland, warten Sie minen Kommen beschdimt!" in English?




  1. you wait germany is coming....doesnt really make sense.....

  2. Like I stated in the same other question (think u pressed the button twice) babelfish is a bad answer, cos I think the sentence is taken from there, due to the fact that it makes less than no sense. and even if u type it in again u would get a complete different answer.

    Deutschland = Germany

    warten = wait

    Sie = you on a formal base

    minen (I think u ment meinen)= my

    Kommen = coming

    beschdimt (U mean bestimmt I guess) =certainly, for sure

    Even though the sentence does not make sense, not even grammatically.

    I think u ment: Germany, wait, I am coming for sure!

    Deutschland, warte, ich komme bestimmt!

    Or something like that...

  3. That's not nice! lol

  4. is a great site to use to translate phrases from one language into another.

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