
Can someone help me translate these lines from Romeo & Juliet?

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What say you? can you love the gentleman?

This night you shall behold him at our feast;

And find light writ there with beauty's pen;

Examine every married lineament,

And see how one another lends content

And what obscured in this fair volume lies

Find written in the margent of his eyes.

This precious boook of love, this unbound lover,

To beautify him, only lacks a cover:

The fish lives int he sea, and 'tis much pride

For fair without the fair withing to hide:

That book in many's eyes doth share the glory,

That in gold clasps locks int he golden story;

So shall you share all that he doth possess,

By having him, making yourself no less.





    look up the act and scene its in and sparknotes will translate it for you! :)

  2. Figure it out for yourself.  Do your best.  Getting help is cheating.

  3. Essentially, she is being asked  to look at the man she is betrothed to. Can you love him? Look him over, check him out, do you think that he has a face that you could grow to love? Do you think that you could see things in his eyes that most people can't see? If you could love him, you may find that he has rare beauty that only a lover can see. If you can love him you will be able to share in all of those inner secrets and he shall share in yours. That you will still be you and he will still be him, but you will also be joined.

  4. I took english last year. Try spark notes. On Sparknotes or GOOGLE, look up No fear Shakespeare. It is a book but also online. On one side of the page it is written in shakespeare's original text then on the other it is translated. I'm glad to help. ttyl

  5. it is already in English... so what should I translate?

  6. i'm not doing your homework

  7. what act and scene is it from?

  8. try

    i could spend the time to tell you what it says but its much easier to jsut look it up on there.

    hope this helps ! :)

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