
Can someone help me understand the Big Bang Theory?

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I know people say there were minerals and such that came together and this an that but, my question is were did that come from. I mean you cant get something from nothing,things are'nt just there and i guess you can say the same thing about the universe. Someone please fill me in.




  1. Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'

    You gotta have somethin' if ya wanna be with me

  2. the basics are you take the whole of the universe and squash it into a point so small it has no dimensions, this is called a singularity. that's your starting point. in a complete vacuum energy and singularities do pop in and out of exsistance now you just need to wait long enough for an unstable one to spontaneously expand. Any more in depth than that i suggest you read a brief history of time (Stephen William Hawking )

  3. Well see, when a mommy and a daddy love each other, they wait till it's dark and then they make their "Minerals" come together, therefor you were born.

  4. The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the universe whose primary assertion is that the universe has expanded into its current state from a primordial condition of enormous density and temperature. Theoretical support for the Big Bang comes from mathematical models, called Friedmann models. `Observational evidence for the Big Bang includes the analysis of the spectrum of light from galaxies, which reveal a shift towards longer wavelengths proportional to each galaxy's distance in a relationship described by Hubble's law. Combined with the evidence that observers located anywhere in the universe make similar observations (the Copernican principle), this suggests that space itself is expanding. The next most important observational evidence was the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964. This had been predicted as a relic from when hot ionized plasma of the early universe first cooled sufficiently to form neutral hydrogen and allow space to become transparent to light, and its discovery led to general acceptance among physicists that the Big Bang is the best model for the origin and evolution of the universe.

    I accept the Big Bang model for the origin of the universe and evolution of the universe.  I believe that the Creator/Great Spirit/Higher Power aka God/Goddess set the whole thing in motion.  One can accept the Big Bang model and still believe in a Higher Power.  They are not contradictory concepts; the theory does not negate the belief.

  5. Its amazing that people rather believe a fictional book (mostly written by people with headgear too tightly wrapped) rather than theory/hypothesis.

    Good grief, where is this country going to...

  6. It happened when I was 13. My girls parents went out and I got big and we banged......LOL 10 seconds later an explosion and there you have it the Big Bang although it wasn't that big.........

  7. all gas and dust forming and with the temperature rises it goes like this " bang " explode


    This should explain it all to you.

  9. The Big Bang theory exists primarily to explain the observations  that indicate that the galaxies far away from us seem to all be moving away from us.  None of them seem to be moving towards us except for ones that are already quite close.

    Also, the farther away a galaxy is from us, the faster it seems to be moving away from us.  

    This is kind of a weird situation and has prompted scientists to think that the whole universe must have expanded outward from a single point, sort of like an explosion.

    I have some problems buying into the Big Bang theory.  Unlike most people that criticize the theory, my reason is not religious.  I don't think that it is necessary to assume that any god created the universe.  So, I'm not being critical of theory because it conflicts with any religious beliefs I have, (it doesn't conflict with any of my beliefs).

    My problem with the Big Bang theory is that there is no indication that it would actually be possible to squeeze all the matter and energy in the universe down into a dimensionless singularity.  In fact, there is good reason to believe that it is impossible for mass and energy to be concentrated any tighter than the "stuff" black holes are made of.

    Based on the known values of things like the speed of light, the gravitation constant, and a constant known as Planck's constant, (which relates the wavelength of light to the energy of light), Max Planck, one of the greatest physicists ever, calculated that there is a maximum density that energy and matter can attain.  This maximum density seems to be on the order of density that exists in black holes.

    If you are interested in details, there is a Wikipedia article that gives some information on these ideas.

    As for where all the stuff in the universe came from, the answer would really be that it was always here in one form or another.  Even in the Big Bang theory, that stuff was always here, it just happened to be squeezed down into a singularity at one point.  Prior to the point where everything was a singularity, we simply don't know what form everything was in.

    Maybe it had always been a singularity before the Big Bang or maybe it had been in other forms and then gotten squished into a singularity.  But whatever form it was in, it was always here.

    There is no reason to think that energy and matter ever had to be originally "created" out of nothing.  Energy and matter can never be created out of nothing or completely destroyed according to all observations so far.  So, it all has to have been here since forever.

    Some people seem to think that everything has to have a beginning, but they are wrong.  There is absolutely no reason to think this.

    I suspect that since human beings have a beginning and an end, we tend to project our own condition onto the rest of the universe.  It can be hard for a person with a finite lifetime to comprehend that everything else isn't finite simply because he is.

  10. the planets  were stuck together and they separated gradually

    it was not a very big bang if you think about it its just like our fingers seperating, it would be loud if we were a billionth the size of our fingers!!!

    we find this out by looking in a tele scope, because light takes so long to travel we can still  see the light so far away back in time


  11. Your trying to understand something people are just "GUESSING" at.  When they can land us on the moon and send a ship 85 trillion light-years away and show actual proof, then I might start believing.

    Where is the actually proof?

  12. before space and time there was nothing....

    Then the nothing blew up..

    Then there was time and space and energy and matter'

    Now your sitting ther reading what I wrote,,so theres communication

    Good Luck

  13. I'll try, but it is fairly complex.

    Okay so at the moment of the Big Bang there were no minerals.  Basically there was just an incredibly small, incredibly dense point which contained all the matter and energy of the universe.  This then expanded extremely rapidly, and once things cooled down enough hydrogen atoms started to form, as well as smaller quantities of helium and lithium.  There formed into stars, which burned out quickly because of the high hydrogen concentration, becoming supernovae, and producing heavier elements through a process called nucleosynthesis.

    The question of where the matter and energy involved in the Big Bang came from cannot be answered, as it suggests that these things existed before the Big Bang.  The problem with this is that time itself is a property of the universe that formed from the Big Bang, so the very concept of 'before' is meaningless.

  14. In the beginning, God... not in the beginning, bang.

  15. Okay, every one above is partially right, but what actually happened, is that "God", when he was a young boy, was playing with his new chemistry set, which he got for his birthday...

    Suddenly, there was an explosion, and then his mother called to him, "Not again! It's time for dinner anyway..."

    So, although "God" did create us, he's also long-forgotten us. We're on our own, folks!

  16. sorry I've been trying to understand it for about a year now so trust me its hard to understand

  17. That's not what the big bang theory says at all.  The big bang theory is a theory that attempts to explain why everything in the universe seems to be moving away from eachother.  In theory, what it says is that all matter in the universe was condensed at one point (think a very dense black hole) and that this matter exploded and started moving away from eachother.  Due to gravity, some items coalesced into stars, others into planets, etc.  

    It does not explain where there matter originated from (nor does it have to).

  18. My guess is that the Big Bang only applies to our portion of the universe.  There had to be something before hand, but the big bang explains why the universe is expanding and why all the planets contain similar materials and elements.

  19. Hawkings took the big bang back to the sigularity, but at that instant things did not work out with the math... it seemed to go to h**l at the very instant it happened. Then a woman (her name escapes me at the moment) added the 11th diminsion & the membrane to the string theory.. (Do a google on "branes). With the use of string theory & quantum mechanics the math worked through the instant of the big bang & before it happened.

    Remember that each higher order diminsion can contain an infinate number of lower order diminsions. (2 diminsional objects can hold an infinate number of lines & 3 diminsional ones can hold an infinate number of 2 diminsional objects, etc).

    These branes in the 11th diminsion sometimes clash together & some of their material (other diminsions) tends to escape when they do. Therefore they can create an infinate number of universes each time they clash.  

    I'm just an engineer & have struggled with Hawkings' & some of his colleagues explainations & math of their theory. I hope this helps.


    For some reason 90% of the matter in the universe escapes detection... so "dark matter" had to be invented to make both the velocities & actions of (Galaxies) stars orbiting the black hole centers work mathmatically. To my knowledge no one has been able to find dark matter or a method of detecting it.

    OK, the idiot that gave me the thumbs down should have the guts to speak up, so I can totally ignore their ignorant butt hence forth.

    Edit: Mato & Azure Z's links to wikipedia contain some good referances to various views of the "brane" hypothesis as applied to the Big Bang... about 3/4 the way through the article.  Chuckle, sorry I missed that when I 1st looked at the article.

  20. gasses collected together, and exploded because of a chemical reaction, and from that- afterwords there was a lump of boiling rock that was earth, it cooled... even though to this day the centre is still lava... water and land formed on the surface ^_^

  21. hellllooooo i mean who knows were GOD come from (if ur christian) some things are better left unanswered. and the big banng theroy is c**p. if it happened im sure it would have been discovered much longer ago.

  22. God spoke it into existance, and bang it was there.

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